Malakai Black

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You move in together: A Few weeks later you are moving in with Tom, you are going this coming week with him to NXT and signed up for the next semester of classes,

You move in together: A Few weeks later you are moving in with Tom, you are going this coming week with him to NXT and signed up for the next semester of classes,

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Tom, you and few co-workers from NXT are helping you move, your best girlfriend Leah is now with Finn Balor, you two are in your apartment getting everything set up to move your stuff with his co-workers help

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Tom, you and few co-workers from NXT are helping you move, your best girlfriend Leah is now with Finn Balor, you two are in your apartment getting everything set up to move your stuff with his co-workers help. As you are in the bedroom with Tom.

You are in your closet packing up your clothes, Tom comes in and helps place your clothes in a few boxers, he then lifts you up and carry's you to the bed, and lays you down on it before getting in between your legs, and kisses your lips lightly. "I want to be inside you babygirl" as you smile at him and say "please be inside me sir" as he smirks and pulls your shorts off along with your panties, he rubs his fingers over your clit your soaking wet, he smirks and says "you are so wet, is this all for me? As you nod your head and say "yes it's all for you sir" as he says "I'm going to fuck you into the mattress and make you squat on my cock, do I make myself clean babygirl? As you nod your head and he slides his fingers inside your pussy and gets you ready to take him inside your pussy deep. You bend your back and he smirks and moves his fingers deep inside your pussy making you tighten up around his fingers and you become soaking wet for him, he leans over and kisses your necklace sucking on it, you moan out "omg tom please" as he looks at you "what did you say babygirl? As you moan out "I said omg sir please fuck me" as he smirks and leans over and kisses your lips "better be what you said to me little babygirl" as he moves to flip you over and gets you on top of him, "he slides his hands up and around to your ass, grips it lightly. You smile at him as he smirks and says "I'm going to fuck you full" as you nod your head at him.

He then moves to flip you two back over and gets in between your legs and then he is slides inside your pussy making you take him completely, squeezing him. You begin to squeeze him as he fucks you into the mattress, one hand goes to your clit and he rubs it as he fucks you into the mattress, you moan out and he fucks you deep, you moan out and he leans over and kisses your ear then down your neckline, sucking on it, he moves one hand around your neckline and squeezes it, you moan out and move your hands up and under his shirt, digging your nails into his lower back as he smirks And fucks you into the mattress, he then lifts one of leg up and places it on his shoulder. Your moans turn into scream. He reaches down and starts to rub your clit as he fucks you as you scream out and start to tighten up around his cock, he smirks and leans over and kisses your lips lightly "you going to cum on my cock babygirl" as you nod your head at him "yes sir please let me cum on your cock" as he smirks and says "I'm allowing you to coat my cock" as you smile at him and he continues to fucks deep, he rubs your clit, as you let lose and start to climax on his cock, plus you squirt all over his fingers. He smirks and shots his load all over your walls, as he coats your insides.

You finish off and he smirks and pulls out of you, your cum and his leak out and hit the bed sheets, he smirks and kisses your lips passionately, his hands push himself up and off you, his phone goes off and everyone who is meant to help today is downstairs in the lobby waiting for you two to give them an number to come up and help he texts them, and you two get cleaned up and back dressed before there is a knock on your door, he goes to let them all in, finn and your girlfriend Leah will be here in a few minutes to help too, Tom places the friends where they need to be, you two head to finish up in your bedroom. You all get everything packed and ready to go to Tom's house, you and Tom make plans with Finn and Leah for early next week, as you smile at Tom as you are in Tom's playroom, you are naked and standing next to the bed, he smirks and moves closer to you, as he gets to you he lifts you up and lays you down on the bed, he then handcuffs your arms to the post then your feet too, making you spread wide open for him to do whatever he wants to you and he has some ideas and you two are going to expose them together overtime, you two are alone and at his house, for the weekend alot of things can be accomplished in three days.

To be continued!!! Next part will be back to now!!!

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