Adam Hangman Page

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Brandi and Cody's party: after dinner you two go back to your place, and spend the night together, next morning you are up and in your bathroom, getting ready for Brandi and Cody's party,

Brandi and Cody's party: after dinner you two go back to your place, and spend the night together, next morning you are up and in your bathroom, getting ready for Brandi and Cody's party,

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Adam is in the living-room watching TV and texting Matt and Nick about this week show,

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Adam is in the living-room watching TV and texting Matt and Nick about this week show,

He is waiting for you to come out so you two can leave and head to Brandi and Cody's house for the party, (he is in this outfit minus the title around his waist) you come out and lean against the door frame "Adam are you ready cowboy? As he smirks...

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He is waiting for you to come out so you two can leave and head to Brandi and Cody's house for the party, (he is in this outfit minus the title around his waist) you come out and lean against the door frame "Adam are you ready cowboy? As he smirks and says "I'm ready darling" as he looks up at you and smirks "oh darling you look amazing" as you blush and he gets up off the couch and walks over to you grabbing your hand and then you two head towards the front door.

You two head downstairs and to the parking lot, he unlocks his truck and goes around and opens the door for you, you smile and get in "thank you Cowboy" as he smirks "welcome Darling" as he closes it then goes around and gets in the driver side and starts the truck before you two head to Brandi and Cody's house for the dinner/party. Brandi texts you to stop and get three bags of ice and you text her back you two will do it then you let Adam know about the ice as he stops at the store near Cody and Brandi's house and gets three bags of ice then you two continue to Brandi and Cody's house for this party they are hosting. A few minutes later you both arrive at Cody and Brandi's house and Adam parks in the driveway then he grabs the three bags of ice, and you get out of his truck and you two head to the backyard, where Brandi said the party is being held, Dustin is there to grab some of the ice from Adam as Matt and Nick walk over and shake hands with Adam, and then they hug you, as you smile and Brandi has liberty and you excuse yourself and go see the beautiful little lady, as Matt asks Adam how the trip home was? And Adam let's both Matt and Nick know it went really well, his parents love you and can't wait for another visit or coming down to Florida in the future, Nick says so they like Bella more then Amanda, shocker man, Amanda wasn't no good for you, you two where totally opposites, you and Bella are a perfect match, you two have a lot in common but then you have some things that aren't which is good, kind of figured your parents would love Bella, she is amazing. As Adam smiles and says "you two are assholes sometimes but I love you guys, have you talked to Kenny of late? As Nick smiles "we love you too Adam and yeah about a week ago, he is in recovery from his knee surgery, Bee is taking good care of him plus coming in for Friday nights shows, you know Bee right she is the hair and makeup artist on Rampage? As Adam smiles And says "yeah I know her, I'm guessing bee is the name Kenny give her right? As Matt nods his head "yeah her dad is Stringer and Kenny says she has her own Stringer and you don't want to see it because it's deadly" as Adam laughs "she has a temper, perfect match for our Cleaner" as Nick nods his head "oh yeah she has a temper and if you piss her off run and hide, she is the perfect match for the Cleaner" As they continue to talk for a few minutes then you come over with Liberty in your arms and smile at Adam, Matt and Nick, and their lady's come over and stand by their men, Ashley Matt's girl Dustin and Cody's little sister stands by Matt and Matt wraps his arm around her, Ellen with their two sons stand near by Nick. Ellen and Nick haven't been physical in a long time, Ellen isn't in love with Nick anymore, she has switched sides, she has been hanging out with Dana Matt's ex and his two kids mom, and Chief Marketing & Merchandising Officer of Aew. Ellen and Dana are going to come clean about their relationship to everyone in a few weeks time, after Aew makes it to their fourth year in the business. You know something is going on between both Ellen and Dana but it isn't your place to say anything, and you don't know the full story, but you hope Nick and the kids don't get hurt to much in the process when it comes out. Ashley loves both Matt's kids and treats them really well, she is a great step mom already. The party is getting good and everyone is having a good time together, that is until Dana shows up and makes a big scene and they don't go as plan, Dana spins the beans about her and Ellen's relationship and all the kids go to their daddy's Ashley and you stay with them and calm them down. Tony and his sister Christy show up and tell Dana she is no longer a part of the Aew family, as which is doesn't care, and she leaves but she doesn't go alone, Ellen leaves Michael, Gregory and Alison with Nick and goes with Dana, Christy goes and seats with him as he lets the kids know it's going to be alright, Matt along with Ashley are with Kourtney Louise and Zachary Matthew, you hand Liberty back to Brandi and Adam hugs you tight and kisses your forehead letting you know he loves you so much as you smile and say it back to him I love you too Adam Hangman Page. After everyone calms down we all eat then head home.

To be continued!!!!

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