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Family dinner with Taz, His mom plus Britt and Adam: You, Britt and Adam are at Taz house with him, his wife Teresa and Hook for dinner tonight.

You went yesterday with your best friend Shasta and got your hair redone,

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You went yesterday with your best friend Shasta and got your hair redone,

Hook is seating next to you at the table his hand is on your knee, he smirks and leans over and says " I like the hair babygirl" as you giggle and his hand stays on your knee until Taz looks over between you two "son hands on the table" as hook la...

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Hook is seating next to you at the table his hand is on your knee, he smirks and leans over and says " I like the hair babygirl" as you giggle and his hand stays on your knee until Taz looks over between you two "son hands on the table" as hook laughs and lifts his hands up and puts them on the table "I wasn't doing anything dad" as his mom walks out with the food and looks at Taz "honey leave them alone they are together and they are adorable don't scare this one away" as you look at Hook who smiles at you "yeah dad has a tendency to scare girls away and some of my friends" as you laugh "I don't scare easy growing up with Britt as my sister and having Adam in my life for a a couple years" as Taz smiles at you "I like you Shay" as you smile at him "most respect Taz I like you too old man" as everyone laughs including him.

As Hook grabs your hand again, Taz says Grace and you all dig in and enjoy the dinner Teresa made for us, you picked up dessert and Teresa really appreciate it. Taz Britt and Adam talk about him coming over to Aew when his contact is up with WWE, you talk to his mom, and hook just watches you interact with her and he loves that you get along with his mom already, he leans over and whispers in your ear "your Beautiful" as you turn and look at him and mouth "really Hook" as he winks at you "yes Beautiful Shay and I'm lucky to call you my girlfriend" as you giggle, and then you help his mom clean up dinner then bring out dessert which you got key lime pie from the Bakery in the city the one near the arena the one Ricky told you about, you remember hook saying his mom loved key lime pie so (hint hint you got it for her more then anyone else) as Teresa's eyes light up when she sees the key lime pie and she smiles "omg Shay you didn't " as you giggle "oh but I did Mama T" as she pulls you into a hug. Taz sees this and smiles "what's is going on here you two? As Teresa pulls away and says "oh nothing Shay got the perfect dessert she got key lime pie" as Taz smiles "oh damn Shay brownie points with the wife, good job girl" as you giggle and Hook brings some out for his dad, Britt and Adam, you and Teresa have your guys plates then he goes back for his own plate.

You all seat down and dig in on this amazing key lime pie you have been
hearing great things about, after everyone eats the pie Britt and Adam thank Taz and Teresa for having them for dinner, then they leave, Hook is taking me home, we are meeting Shasta and Ricky in the City, for a late movie, as we say bye to Taz and Teresa then head out to his car, he got it back yesterday. He is happy it went so well with his parents your sister and Adam Today hopefully it can happen again down the road as you two meet Ricky and Shasta at the movie theater in the city for a double movie date you four are going to watch the latest Fast & The Furious Movie, you two make it there before Ricky and Shasta so you pick up the tickets, and go seat down and wait for them as Ricky texts Hook and let's him know they have arrived and will be coming in, in just a few minutes time Hook just text back and let's Ricky knows we got the tickets and let's him know where we are seating and waiting for them, Then Hook grabs your hand and you two wait for them to come in and join you two so you four can go in and watch the movie. You learn over and lay your head on Hook's shoulder and he smirks and kisses your forehead lighty. "They are coming in babygirl" as you smile at him "good" as he laughs and then you two look up and see Ricky and Shasta come in and then you two get up and walk over to them Ricky shakes Hook's hand, you and Shasta hug and then you four go in and enjoy the movie together, 2 and half hours later it's over and you four head outside, saying goodbyes, you four are going to see each other tomorrow at the gym, then lunch, Ricky is taking Shasta home Hook is taking you so you all head towards your cars.

To be continued!!!!

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