Jay Briscoe

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Your nickname for him: Your Redneck Prince Charming
His nickname for you: His Darling Sweetheart!

A few minutes later, he has on a new shirt and you two are seating on his couch, Next to each other, your legs touching his, as he smirks at you "you could stay here until we find you a place if you would like, save the money your putting on the apartment back to help with the down payment on the place when we find it, but it's up to you? As you smile at him "that's a good idea Jay and I appreciate it so can I move my stuff over before we leave for the next tour this next week? As he nods his head "yeah I'll come over tomorrow and help you pack up some of your stuff and bring it here" as you nod your head "then I can let my apartment go back before we leave for the road next week, and I'll get some of this month rent back because I'll be out before the month is over" as he smiles at you "that's fine, do I need to pick up boxes tomorrow before I come to your apartment? As you think about it "yeah a few wouldn't hurt" I got a few in my quest room closet but I need a few more, so if you would pick up a couple that would be amazing" as he nods his head "I'll get a couple tomorrow on my way there" as you smile at him.

He finds a movie to watch and you two relax on the couch, he pulls you against his chest and you two begin to watch the movie he picked out, a few minutes into the movie you close your eyes and take a nap, he smirks and starts to rub your back. Mark comes over and sees you both and smiles "aww my big brother is in love" as Jay laughs "shh Mark she is sleeping, and so what I really care for her, plus she is moving in with me this coming week before we head out on the road next week, she wants to look for a place around here, so she is letting her apartment go back and she will be here until she finds something" as Mark smirks "knowing you, she will not move out, you will ask her to stay completely after a while of her being here, which isn't bad, when we have gigs for other companies she will be here for Ma and Pa plus Jesse and the kids and I know you need someone in your corner at home big brother" as Jay smiles and does circles on your back "Mark man I haven't felt this way with anyone before, she isn't scared of my rough edges, she is amazing and I want to spend all my free time with her, leaning everything about her and her life" as Mark smiles "you Remember how I was when I meet Jesse back in our last year of highschool, same way man, quick question through her family is planning on visiting in a few weeks time how is that going to work? As Jay smiles "they can stay here if they want or I'll put them up in a hotel for their stay whatever they want and free comfortable with" as you hear him and smile you start to move around a bit as Mark smirks and months to Jay "run your fingers under her shirt and do tiny circles on her lower back" as Jay run his fingers under the back of your shirt and do tiny circles on your lower back, as you open your eyes and looks at Mark "hi puddin" as he smirks "hi KitKat, my lovely brother said you are going to be moving in with him until you find a place near by" as you smile at him "yep that's the plan, Jay is going to come over with some boxes tomorrow, I don't got much to pack up, a lot of it stills packed up in the guest rooms, all I have to park up is my room, bathroom, closet, living-room and kitchen as the quest rooms and bathrooms are still packed up to a point" as Mark smiles "I'll come help move your stuff over here after you get some more packed up alright? As you smile at him and he says he is going to go back home, he will see you two later, he leaves and Jay moves his hand up higher and unsnaps your bra and begins to rub your back, making you moan out lightly as Jay smirks "you alright down there princess? As you turn your face and look at him "yeah it just feels really good Jay" as he smirks and leans down and kisses your lips lightly.

He pulls back and looks at you "do you want to go for a walk around the farm? As you smile and nod your head"yes please" as you get up and grab his hand, you two head towards the door, putting your shoes back on and heading outside, Jesse is outside in Mark and her backyard letting the younger kids play on their jungle gym, she waves at you both as you walk past, Jay yells "Jesse get them kids inside they got school in the morning" as you shake your head and slap his chest "Jay that isn't nice, she knows her kids have school in the morning, she is just tiring them out" as he laughs and says "I know I'm joking around with her and she knows it" as you smile at him as he wraps his arm around your waist and you two start walking.

To be continued!!!

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