Jay White

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You two get closer: Jay made it to the hotel barely, he almost couldn't keep his eyes on the road because your in the passenger seat, then when he parked the car in the parking lot at the hotel, he pulls you against his chest and kisses your lips passionately, his fingers finding your neck and he rubs circles on the back of it. He pulls back and licks his lips as he looks you up and down then he gets out and goes to the back of the car and gets the bags he makes you stay in the car until he comes back around from the back and getting the bags, he opens your door and says "out now babygirl" as you look up at him and nod your head "yes sir" as you get out and he makes you walk in front of him. He tells you too walk straight to the elevators and get on, as you nod your head and do as he says, he is right behind you his eyes glued on your ass as he licks his lips and when you get to the elevators you push one to open and you two wait for it he pushes up against you as you two stand in front of the elevator doors, you bite down on your bottom lip as you feel his hardness as he mumbles "I'm sorry little girl" as you turn your face and look at him "it's alright sir" as he smirks and the elevator doors opens and you two walk in, he places you next to him as you two are the only ones in there, he leans over and kisses your neckline saying "I'm going to have you coming undone in a little bit" as you smile and keep your head straight forward. He smirks and slides his free hand up and down your back, he gets to your ass and he slides down it and grips it as you bite your bottom lip again as he lets go of your cheeks and then slaps them, he turns his face and watches them jiggle.

A few minutes later you two are on his floor and heading towards his room, he has you in front of him again as you walk his eyes are on your ass and his mind starts to think of everything he is going to do to it along with the rest of your body more important your pretty pussy, and mouth, as he hands you the key card for his room as you two get in front of the door as you open the door with the key card and go inside he is right behind you as you turn the lights on and he smirks and move in the room. He places the bag on the floor as you move to close the door and he turns around and smirks at you "you are being so good little girl, you are going to get a treat" as you turn around and smile at him "really a treat sir what is it? As he moves in front of you and places his hands on your hips "sir is going to eat you out" as you smile at him and he smirks at you "strip for me little girl" as he goes to seat down on the bed and you move in front of him. You slowly start to remove your clothes, starting with your jacket, then your shirt, then your shoes then your pants leaving you in your panties and bra,

 You slowly start to remove your clothes, starting with your jacket, then your shirt, then your shoes then your pants leaving you in your panties and bra,

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He smirks and pulls you on his lap, his fingers rub up and down your legs making their way up your body. "Your beautiful and I'm going to take care of you" as you smile and walk over to him "can I undress you sir? As he smirks and nods his head "sure little girl" as he kicks his tennis shoes off and you slide his shirt up his chest and over and off his head, then you grab his belt and he grabs your chin and makes you look at him as you remove it then you work on his jeans, he lifts up and you slide them off his hips and down his legs, pulling them completely off and you throw them in the corner as he smirks and leans down and kisses your lips passionately, he then pulls you up and sits you on his lap his fingers dancing on your belly. You run your fingers through his hair and pulls the ends lightly, he smirks and pulls you against his chest his arms wrap around your back as he starts to kiss your neckline, "after tonight your mine completely little girl do you understand me? As you moan out "yes sir I'm yours" as he sucks on your neck. He moves his hand in between your legs pushing them apart slightly, his hand grip your cover pussy as you moan out and he smirks "oh little girl your soaked, did I do this to you? As you throw your head back and moan out "yes sir you did, please sir I need you to pounce my pussy with your almighty cock" as he lays you down on your back and runs his hand up and down your body "you want my cock inside you? As you nod your head at him "please sir give it to me I promise to be a good little girl" as he smiles and says "lift your hips up" as you do this and he removers your panties, then he grips your pussy again, this time his fingers slide inside and he smirks "oh damn little girl your soaking wet" as you bite your bottom lip as he starts to finger fuck you, griping your pussy with his hand, his fingers going in and out of your pussy as you moan out, his fingers going hard into your pussy. He runs his other hand up and grips your boobs and plays with them twisting one nipple through the bra.

He continues to finger fuck you with one hand and the other one plays with your boobs, as your moans turn into screams. He moves up and kisses your lips passionately then he goes to remove your bra but their is a knock on the door and Juice is yelling "Jay I know your in there and you have my sister with you, you better not be doing anything to her brother" as Jay smirks and moves his fingers inside your pussy faster as you grip his shoulders and bite down on your bottom lip "sir my brother is right outside, we need to stop" as he shakes his head and mouths "nah I'm keeping my promise, I'm going to destroy that pretty pussy and if Juice wants to stay outside the door he will get a ear full, so be a good little girl and don't hold back them moans" as you let go of your bottom lip and he finger fucks your pussy hard, fast and deep as you moan out "omg sir right there please" as he smirks and leans over and kisses your neck, he starts to suck on it lightly leaving a mark. As Juice is pouncing on the door and yelling "omg Jay I'm going to kick your ass when I see you man, so help me God if you continue on with what you are doing with my sister, there will be bloodshed between us" as Jay looks up and locks eyes with you "do you want me to stop little girl? As you place your hands on his chest and rub up and down his abs, then you shake your head "no sir please I want you to continue" as he smirks and gets in between your legs.

To be continued

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now