Alex Shelley

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The weekend with your family: a few days later you two are heading to your parents house for the weekend, with them, Joshua and his girlfriend Jamie Lynn Szantyr aka former female wrestler Velvet Sky, Plus your and Joshua younger brother Jason who is 14 years old, your parents are Jill and John, yes they have a thing for J names because they are John, Jill they have Joshua you in Jade and your younger brother Jason.

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You and Patrick are almost there with, Patrick is on the phone with Joshua who is already there with Jamie, Patrick let's Joshua know you two are turning down the main road before your parents house

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You and Patrick are almost there with, Patrick is on the phone with Joshua who is already there with Jamie, Patrick let's Joshua know you two are turning down the main road before your parents house.

Patrick pulls in your parents driveway, and parks behind Joshua's truck, he turns the truck off then gets out and comes around and opens the door for you, helping you out "Here we go Sweetie" as you smile and leans over and kisses his lips passionately. He smiles and kisses your lips lightly, running his fingers through your hair pulling at the ends, a few minutes later you two pull apart and he grabs your hand and you two head inside to spend time with your family. As your parents come over and hug you and Patrick, Joshua comes over him And Patrick shake hands, as Jamie waves at you two, as you smile and go over to her, hugging her from behind, she laughs "hi Jade" as you smile "hi Jamie how was the drive up? As she smiles "it was good, your brother took me to this little ma and pa restaurant, and we had this amazing apple pie" as you smile and look over at Joshua with Patrick, and your younger brother Jason. Patrick winks at you as you seat down next to Jamie, your dad and mom come over and ask when you and Patrick are going to start planning the wedding, as you smile and let them know, you two decide to not have a wedding your going to get married at the courthouse with the Justice of the Peace. You want them two, plus Jason, Jamie and Joshua to be there" as your dad laughs "when is this going to happen babygirl? As you smile and say "in three months time we get two weeks off from the company, for vacation and for repairs on the arena, so it's the perfect time" as Patrick comes over with Joshua and Jason and he looks at you, and you smile at him "I was telling my parents about our plans about the wedding" as he smiles "oh the plan about us going to the courthouse and getting married by the Justice of the Peace during the two weeks we have off from TNA you did tell them they better be there with Jason, Jamie and Joshua right? As you smile at him as Joshua laughs "you two are so classic, don't want the big flashing wedding" as Patrick nods his head "nah we just want to be married, us plus you five, maybe my parents and younger sister, so 8 guests" as Jason smiles at you both, he can't believe Patrick's younger sister Penny is coming to the wedding in three months Penny and Jason are close, Patrick's parents are Pamela and Paul, yes they have a thing for P names like our parents have a thing for J names.

You see Jason's face light up and you know it's about Penny being around in three months time, as you smile, and lock eyes with Patrick who smiles at you your parents go inside to get things set up for lunch, Joshua, Jamie and Jason go for a walk, leaving you and Patrick alone on the swing, Patrick smiles and wraps his arm around your lower back, "you alright babygirl? As you nod your head at him "I'm fine, honey, I just saw something when you started talking about Penny coming to the wedding at the courthouse, Jason's face let up, they may be friends but I think there is more there, kinda of like us in the beginning" as he smiles at you. "Well if it's anything like us, they will end up together too and your parents and mine will be setup a wedding a real one" as you smile at him and lean against his side, he kisses your forehead lightly. He then says "we can have a small celebration at our house after the wedding, with our friends from work" as you nod your head at him "yeah I like that idea very much Patrick, our co-workers and friends from the company" as he smirks And kisses your head lightly. Joshua brings Patrick a beer, and you a water, as you think him, as he seats down across from you two on the swing."So is dad or me and Jason giving you away Jade? As you smile at him "dad, you are going to be Patrick's best man, Jason will be a groomsmen Jamie will be my maid of honor, Penny Patrick's sister will be my bridesmaid, mom and Patrick's parents are just mother of the bride, father and mother of the groom" as Joshua smiles and Jamie comes over and seats down in his lap, as Jason runs in the house and goes to his room and gets on his computer and starts chatting with Penny, as you smile and Patrick holds you against his side and you two talk to Jamie and Joshua.

To be Continued!!!

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