Adam Page

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A couple hours later Adam, You, Emma and Johnny are back from your guys ride, Alexa have Emma and Johnny inside getting them cleaned up, while you Adam put Jezebel and the Pony's up for the day, then Adam, You, Alexa are heading into town to get some groceries for tonight's dinner, Adam is grilling for the family tonight, as you and Adam finish up with Jezebel and the Pony's then head inside the house and get with Alexa and you three head to her truck, After making sure Mamà has the kids under control while we run to store, and she does the kids are in the living-room watching cartoons, you three make it to the store, you and Adam go get what he needs for dinner tonight, Alexa goes off to look around.

As you push the cart and Adam gets everything he needs, then you two head towards where Alexa went so you three can head home and Adam can start preparing dinner for you all, as Adam stops you before you two make it to Alexa and he kisses you passionately on the lips as you kiss him back and run your fingers through his hair, as he moves his hand to your ass and he slaps it lightly before you two pull apart and head towards Alexa. As Adam pays then you all head back towards the farm. A few minutes go by through a Drive-Thru she wants something to drink. As you smile at him as you two are in the backseat and Alexa gets her drink, and then gets you and Adam one too then you three head back to the house. When you three get back you help Adam with the groceries, then Nathan wants you to hold him so you pick him up and carry him into the kitchen with Adam who is about to start preparing the dinner, as Adam smiles at you with Nathan and he says "your good with him, I can't wait to see you with our kids in the future" as you smile at him "oh you want a family with me Adam Page" as he nods his head at you "most definitely babygirl, do you see that happening for us in the future? As you smile big at him "yes I see us having babies, getting married and living happy even after" as he smirks and leans over and kisses your lips lightly as Nathan is holding into you and Adam smirks "I love you Bella" as you smile at him "I love you too Adam" as he starts Cooking dinner, tonight is Grilled Chicken, plus Green Beans, and Mac and Cheese, with Cherry pie, you picked up at the store today. You seat down at the table with Nathan as Adam smirks and gets the sides ready then he puts the pie in the refrigerator and the ice cream is freezer. Adam smirks and continues to prepare the food, for dinner tonight. As you hold Nathan who is taking his nap, Adam turns around and sees you holding Nathan who is sleeping peacefully in your arms as he smirks and says "I love you Bella and I know it's early in our relationship, but you are my other half, I can feel it babygirl" as you smile "I love you too Adam and I know the feeling" as he starts to grill the chicken on the stove, he has the Green Beans and Mac and Cheese on the stove warming them up. You look up at him and you love that he can cook, "Adam I was thinking when we get back to Florida, we could go on an Double Date with Jack and Ella" as he smirks at you "that's sounds like fun babygirl, we could do a triple double date with Jack and Ella, plus Cody and Brandi" as you nod your head at him "oh that sounds like a plan Adam" as he smirks and continues to cook dinner, you get up and walk Nathan into the living-room and puts him down on the floor so he can continue to nap, you tell Emma and Johnny to not get loud and wake him up as they both nod their heads and you head back into the kitchen to help Adam with dinner.

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