Eddie Kingston

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Salon appointment then Brandi and Cody's baby shower: after you two finished dinner last night you two went back to your apartment, now its the day of Brandi and Cody's baby shower for Liberty at the arena, Eddie is with Jon and you are at the salon Change your hair color, Jazz is there too she is getting her nails done, you two are enjoying your time away from everything and getting some pampering, you are also getting your nails done after your hair, which the hairdresser just finished up and it looks amazing,

Salon appointment then Brandi and Cody's baby shower: after you two finished dinner last night you two went back to your apartment, now its the day of Brandi and Cody's baby shower for Liberty at the arena, Eddie is with Jon and you are at the sal...

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You decide on clear nails then you head back to the apartments, Jazz went home to get ready for the baby shower which you are doing too when you get inside your apartment, you take your clothes off and go into your bedroom and find something to wear to the baby shower,

You find something you like, then you head to your living-room and seat down on your couch, Eddie texts you and sees if you are back at the apartments, Jon is going to pick up Jazz for the baby shower, and you two are going together right? As you ...

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You find something you like, then you head to your living-room and seat down on your couch, Eddie texts you and sees if you are back at the apartments, Jon is going to pick up Jazz for the baby shower, and you two are going together right? As you let him know your back and you are waiting on him to get back so you two can leave and head that way too.

As you seat down on the your couch and wait for Eddie to arrive back at the apartment complex building then you two can leave for the arena for the baby shower for Liberty Rhodes, a few minutes go by and he arrives and comes up to your apartment and knocks on your door as you get up and go open the door for him as he smirks and kisses your lips "oh damn Mamà you look amazing I like this color on you too, are you ready to go? As you nod your head and go grab Brandi and Cody's baby shower gift for baby liberty, then you two head out and towards his Jeep. You two get in and he drives to the arena for the baby shower for Liberty. You two arrive at the Arena a few minutes later and he parks his jeep and you two get out and head towards the room that is holding the baby shower, he gets next to you as you two walk in, he grabs your hand and you two make it to the room, you put your gift on the table for Brandi and Cody, he does the same thing and then you two go find your table, you two are seated Together with Jon, Jazz plus Darby Allin and his wife NXT female wrestler Gigi Dolin, Sting and his wife Sabine. As Eddie grabs your hand under the table and places it on his lap he learns over and smiles at you "you look so damn good babygirl, I want to take you back to the apartment building and Fuck you against the shower walls, for hours" as you giggle "we can do that later on tonight, and I'll take it all from you Papà" as he smirks and learns back "you going to sit on my lap naked and let Papà slide into your pussy when we get home" as you bite your bottom lip and nod your head at him.

He winks at you as Jon and Jazz arrive at the table and joins you two, as your phone goes off and you get up to answer it, it's your mom and she lets you know your sister Dallas is pregnant, she told the family early today on the farm, as you giggle and let your mom know you already knew and your super excited for another nephew or niece as she is super excited too she loves her grandbabies, she can't wait for you to give her a couple along with your brothers who haven't give her non yet as you laugh and look over at Eddie as he is talking to Brodie Lee Jr, he is Brodie Lee's son and Aew has already give him a contract in the future. He is playing with Eddie and Eddie is having fun with Jr, mom I promise I'll give you some grandbabies soon" as Eddie turns around and smiles at you, Jon comes up behind him and makes him turn around, you hang up with your mom and go back to the table with Jazz, Gigi and Sabine because the guys are off doing man things with Cody, Dustin and Kenny Omega. You seat down next to Jazz and she smiles "you want little Yorkers with Eddie" as you smile "you want little Moxley's with Jon" as she laughs "eventually, but we need to find out if Renee's little girl Nora is his or not" as you smile big and say "you should learn the news in a couple weeks right he went and got the DNA test done early this week? As she nods her head "Monday morning and it's going to take a few weeks to get them back because they are behind just a bit" as you nod you're head and you two talk along yourselves, Brandi comes over and seats down with you two as he smile and learn over and kiss her cheek lightly "mother to be looks amazing" as she smiles "thanks Lena" As Allie comes over and hugs you from behind, you and Allie are close because you two went to college together in Florida. As she waves at all the lady's then heads back to her husband Jesse aka the blade, as Kingston comes over and kisses your forehead lighty and Brandi gets up and goes to the main table and the baby shower starts as Cody joins her with Dustin and his girlfriend Marie, they are engaged to be married next year.

To be continued

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