Ricky Starks

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Continues with your date: Your in his car you two are heading to the beach. your dinner went amazing, you two pull in the parking lot near the beach and you remove your shoes and get out of his car he comes around and grabs your hand as you two head down to the beach, he holds your hand as you two walk down the beach. You two are walking down the beach as you two are holding each other's hands. You two continue to walk down the beach until you two get to a spot, then turns around walks back, he says "so I was thinking about something important, I know your in a team with Jon and Eddie but I was thinking you could be my partner next week on Wednesday night, it's me and a female partner vs Cage and his partner in Brit Baker, so what do you say? As you smile at him "I would love to be your partner" as he smiles at you and pulls you into his chest and kisses your forehead lighty.

You giggle and he smiles big at you as you two continue to walk back to his car, he has one more surprise for your date tonight, he is taking you to get some ice cream, at this new ice cream shop in town near your apartment building, he smiles big and helps you in the car and then goes around and gets in himself and you two head to the shop, he grabs your hand again and continues to drive. He takes you to the shop and you two go through the Drive-Thru and gets two ice cream, you go with Double Strawberry and he gets Peanut Butter. As you smile and he goes to park somewhere where you two can seat and eat your ice cream cones, he smiles and you two dig in on the ice cream, you two talk about things then he starts to drive to your apartment building, he has an amazing time with you but you two got a busy day tomorrow, you got signings and press for the ppv next weekend. It will be you, Jon and Eddie V's Bunny, blade and butcher in a 6 man tag team match. Ricky has a match against Brian Cage for the FTW championship it's Ricky's first title defense. He pulls in your parking lot and says "I had an amazing time with you tonight" as you smile big at him "I did too Ricky we should do it again real soon" as he nods his head at you "yeah for sure, maybe next week before the show on Wednesday, let's say Tuesday night we can go to a movie and dinner" as you agree with that idea, Monday nights you stay have a friends night in with Jon and Eddie.
So in two nights that happens.

You head inside after you learn over and kisses his lips lightly, he smirks and drives off to his penthouse, he can't believe you two just had your first date and he can't wait for the next one Tuesday night, you turn in and go to sleep, Jon and Eddie come back from their dates with Jazz and Lena, and by the time they return your already sleeping peacefully in your room, Next morning you are up before them and your in the kitchen getting your coffee ready then you will go get them up because you three have to go to the Arena and start your signings and the press for next weekend ppv it's the first one since the pandemic that fans will be back in the audience, you are already in your clothes and your hair is down,

You head inside after you learn over and kisses his lips lightly, he smirks and drives off to his penthouse, he can't believe you two just had your first date and he can't wait for the next one Tuesday night, you turn in and go to sleep, Jon and E...

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As you get the coffee then go wake up Jon and Eddie, and when they get up and ready then they come into the kitchen and grab their coffee, they look handsome for the signing and press Today but you can't wait to see Ricky

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As you get the coffee then go wake up Jon and Eddie, and when they get up and ready then they come into the kitchen and grab their coffee, they look handsome for the signing and press Today but you can't wait to see Ricky.

You three head out and towards the arena your in Jon's truck, you got an hair appointment tomorrow morning your going full red with black tips, when you arrive at the arena, Hook is with Ricky they are talking and you walk up with Jon and Eddie behind you as Ricky turns around and smirks at you "babygirl, come over here for a minute please" as you giggle and you walk over to them, as Jon and Eddie go off to meet up with Jazz and Lena. As you shake your head, he tells Hook he will meet him inside in a few minutes as Hook nods and heads off leaving you two alone, you  look him up and down  and smirk he looks handsome,

"Damn babygirl you matching me I see" as you giggle and he smiles and leans over and kisses your lips "I couldn't sleep much last night my mind was on you" as you smile "same here I got like 4 and half hours" he smirks and says "same here, like 4 ...

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"Damn babygirl you matching me I see" as you giggle and he smiles and leans over and kisses your lips "I couldn't sleep much last night my mind was on you" as you smile "same here I got like 4 and half hours" he smirks and says "same here, like 4 and half hours too" as you two walk in the Arena hand and hand.

You two get in the area that the signing will be taking place and you go off to your table with Jon and Eddie, he goes off to team Taz table with Taz, Hook and Hobbs, he pulls you against his chest and kisses your forehead lighty before you two separate and go to your tables he then sends you a few text messages during the signings and you smile at each one, then you continue to sign autographs for the fans then it's time for the Press Conference as you, Jon and Eddie head that to the stage you three are going on first then Ricky will so Jon Eddie then you are standing by the stage and Ricky comes up behind you and smirks "babygirl, all the things I want to do to you could fill up a book" as you turn and look at him "mmm you can tell me all the things you have in mind on our date Tuesday night" as he nods his head at him and you three walk on stage and start taking questions from the fans.

To be continued!!!

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