Jimmy Uso

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You and Jimmy have a little bit of alone time together before he goes to meet Trinity and talk then he has his match against the new day, Jimmy gets up off your couch and heads out of your office as he stops and kisses you on the lips. "I'll see you later on" as you giggle, I'm going to head home soon Kristina isn't feeling good, I got to go see Paul about leaving right before the show starts" as he smiles "alright I'll see you tomorrow at lunch right? As you giggle and nod your head "yep my place for lunch, you, me, my mom, Kristina, Jayla and Jaiden" as he smiles at you "yep me, jayla and jaiden will be at your house around 11:45" as you giggle and he kisses you one more time "bye beautiful Stormy love ya, give Kristina a kiss for me" as you smile at him "well do handsome good luck in your match against the new day with Jey" as he smiles and heads to Trinity's locker-room to see what she needed before heading back to his with Jey to get ready for the show.

You lock up your office and head to Paul Heyman's office to see if you can head home because of Kristina your daughter, Jimmy makes it to Trinity's locker-room and Trinity let's him in and she trys to make a move on him but he doesn't let it slide "Trinity I'm in a relationship and I'm happy with this girl, I love her" as Trinity says "when did this happen, our divorce just got finalize 2 months ago" as he smiles at her "two months ago right after it got finalized she works with us, it's Stormy she is amazing, Jayla and Jaiden likes her, plus she has a four year old daughter named Kristina beautiful little girl dad isn't in the picture" as Trinity shakes her head "Jonathan really you know she was with Wade Barrett and Kristina is his child" as he smiles at her "yeah but Barrett isn't in her life hasn't been since right before Stormy had Kristina, she is an amazing girl he is missing out Trinity, why do you care your the one who left me" as she says "I made a mistake Jonathan" as he shakes his head "don't care Trinity I'm happy and I feel love again and I'm not throwing it away because you want a second chance, I tried to work on our relationship before you filled for our divorce but you didn't want to so I move on, but anyway it's good to have you back on SmackDown live I'll see you around I got to go get ready for mine and Jey's match against the new day tonight first match of the show" as he gets up and walks out and towards his locker-room with Jey.

You get to leave early, right before the show starts, you head to Jimmy and Jey's locker-room to let Jimmy know your heading home, as Jey is on the phone with  Shasta who is sick today, Shasta is home with Jey's boys, in
Jeyce and Jaciyah as you make it to their locker-room and Jimmy opens the door his hair is pulled back in a ponytail "hi beautiful do you get to go home to Kristina ? As you nod your head "yep I'm leaving now I'll see you tomorrow morning" as he nods and leans over and kisses you passionately "alright love ya" as you giggle at him "love you too" as you head back to your office to grab your bag then you head home to Kristina and your mom, Jey and Jimmy kick off SmackDown live and Jimmy wins the match against Kofi Kingston and Big E with Jey. You make it home and see your mom is seating on the couch with Kristina who is watching Jonathan and Joshua match she loves the Usos, she has always liked them and now that you are with Jonathan aka Jimmy she is over the moon, your cousin is Shasta from your mom's side who is dating Joshua aka Jey, Kristina is in love with Jonathan and Joshua's cousin Roman Reigns aka Joe but she knows she is to young for him but she always cheers for him. You make it in the Living-room and Joins your mom and Kristina watching SmackDown Live.

To be continued in a few days.... Jey will be next!!!!

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