Daniel Byran

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After raw ends Nikki and Brie come pick up Bridie for the rest of the night and Brie asks daniel if he wants her tomorrow because her and Nikki have a few interviews and Daniel jumps at the idea of having Bridie tomorrow he hopes you are alright with the idea too, he does have to worry you love your time with them both.

You two head to the hotel for the night, he is happy that you care for him and Bridie so much it's amazing how you care for them, when you two make it back to the hotel-room he kisses you softly on the lips, you wrap your arms around him as he moves you two towards the bed, tonight is your guys night because tomorrow you will have Bridie and you can't believe she is Daniel daughter and it gets you thinking about you two having kids and birdie gets half siblings, plus Brie is seeing Miz and since he has a daughter with Maryse  it's definitely a possibility for her to get more siblings on both sides.

You two make it to the bed as your alone time is about to go down between you and him, you can't believe he is your mountain man because you never thought you would have someone so sweet and caring as Daniel. You two end up getting naughty in between the sheets, tonight is definitely turning out to be amazing because you two just got done doing the naughty stuff in between the sheets and then you two fall asleep in each other's arms.

You can't wait for tomorrow morning so you two have a great day with Bridie, Daniel whispers into your ear "your amazing DollFace I can't believe you are mine and down the road we will give Bridie a sibling, you are perfect with her so I know you will be an amazing mom when the time is right between us" as you smile and you two go to sleep.

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now