Ricky Sparks

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Your second dated with Ricky: Tonight is your second date with Ricky, you two are going to go to his place, he ordered some take-out and you two are watching a movie together,

Your second dated with Ricky: Tonight is your second date with Ricky, you two are going to go to his place, he ordered some take-out and you two are watching a movie together,

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Ricky comes by your apartment complex building and gets you and he smiles your hair is different but a good different, he loves it, you smile at him as he walks you to his car downstairs

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Ricky comes by your apartment complex building and gets you and he smiles your hair is different but a good different, he loves it, you smile at him as he walks you to his car downstairs. He wraps his arm around your waist. He says "you changed your hair color I see" as you giggle and smile "yep went early today and did it, I like it" as he smiles and runs his fingers through it lightly "I like it too" as you giggle and you two make it to his car and you both get in, "when we get back to my place we will get the takeout menu and decide on what we want, I got the newest Fast movie aka 9 I hope that is alright" as you smile at him "oh yeah that's fine I have wanted to see if but either Jon or Eddie don't like them kinda movies" as he smirks "I love them movies I got all of them, you will love it, and then the last one will be should be amazing but sad at the same time" as you smile big at him "number 10 is the last one I can't believe it's almost over with" as he nods his head.

As you two arrive at his penthouse, and head upstairs to his place, he smiles and says "so tomorrow is Brandi's baby shower for Liberty, you got her a gift? As you nod your head at him "yep I got something special for Brandi and Cody to use, it's something nice that will help them with liberty, plus I got liberty a custom made blanket and pacifier" as he smiles "I went and got them some nice things too, that they can use for a few years" as you smile at him and then you two head inside his place, he then hands you the takeout menu's and you decide on Mexican food and you let him know what you want then he calls it in with what he wants too" then you head into the living-room where he has fast 9 ready to go as you seat down on his couch, he smiles and joins you wrapping his arm around you on the couch, you slip off your shoes and get comfortable, he then says "Brandi baby shower tomorrow Jon is coming with Jasmine and Eddie is with Lena right, maybe I can pick you up and we can go together? As you nod your head at him "I like that Idea, Eddie is staying with Lena tonight and Jon invited Jasmine over to our apartment, would you like to stay over too? As he smiles and says "or you could stay here, we could get up in the morning and head over to your place and let you get ready for the baby shower and get your gifts what do you say?

As you smile at him "I like that idea, but I don't have nothing to sleep in" as he smirks at you "I got some big shirts you could wear" as you smile at him and nod your head at him "alright" as you two get comfortable, and he starts the movie, he holds you against his chest as you two watch the movie until the food arrives, he goes and gets the food then comes back and joins you on the couch, you two dig in to your food and watches a show on the tv. Then you two head upstairs to his room so you can change into one of his shirt, along with your panties and socks, he changes into his boxer shorts only then you two crawl in bed together. He pulls you against his chest and he wraps his arm around you tightly. You two get comfortable in each other's arms and go to sleep, he holds you all night long against his chest. Next morning you two are up but not out of bed yet he doesn't want to get up yet and you two got time before you need to head to your apartment complex building get changed for Brandi and Cody's baby shower for Liberty at the Arena. He kisses your forehead lighty then you two finally get up and head to your apartment complex building he got ready back at his place,

He is in his white shirt, and black jeans, and when you arrive at your apartment you go inside with him right behind you, you clean up and get ready for the baby shower,

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He is in his white shirt, and black jeans, and when you arrive at your apartment you go inside with him right behind you, you clean up and get ready for the baby shower,

He is in his white shirt, and black jeans, and when you arrive at your apartment you go inside with him right behind you, you clean up and get ready for the baby shower,

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You come out holding Brandi and Cody's baby shower gift in hand, then you two head back to his car and to the arena

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You come out holding Brandi and Cody's baby shower gift in hand, then you two head back to his car and to the arena.

To be continued!!!!

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