Jay Briscoe

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You two continue to get close to one another: After your lunch with Jay, you two are back at the Arena you are in your locker-room getting changed for work, Jay is on the phone with Mark making sure he is rest up.

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You finish up and then head out and towards Jay and Marks locker-room to see Jay before the show starts

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You finish up and then head out and towards Jay and Marks locker-room to see Jay before the show starts. You got your reading glasses on for the show you arrive at the door and you knock and Jay yells "come in it's open" as you walk in and he is seating on the couch dressed for the show and his phone against his ear as he finishes up with Mark then hangs up and looks at you "hi what's up? As you smile at him "just stopped by before the show, was that Mark? As he nods his head "yep he is resting on the farm, mom went and got him some medicine, dad said I got to pick up the slack tomorrow morning, which is fine Mark needs to get better" as you smile at him "oh yeah, if you need help I am willing to come by and help" as he smirks "do you know how to work on a farm? As you giggle "yep my uncle has one and I used to go there every summer and help him and my aunt" as he nods his head "alright I'll give you the address before I leave tonight" as you nod your head at him "great I better get going and to the commentary table, before the show starts" as he smirks and you head out to the commentary table.

You spent more time together: The next morning you are heading to the Briscoe farm,

You spent more time together: The next morning you are heading to the Briscoe farm,

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You arrive soon after and Mark is on the porch as he waves at you as you get out of your truck, you turn around and smile at him "hi pookie, you feeling better? As he nods his head "yeah I'm better Jay is with our dad in town, they will be back so...

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You arrive soon after and Mark is on the porch as he waves at you as you get out of your truck, you turn around and smile at him "hi pookie, you feeling better? As he nods his head "yeah I'm better Jay is with our dad in town, they will be back soon, come on up I really appreciate you coming and helping Jay today" as you smile and walk up the steps "it's no problem, I didn't have anything planned for tomorrow anyways" as he smiles and you seat down next to him and you two wait for Jay and Their father to come back from town. A few minutes later Jay and Their father arrives back and their father smiles at you as you wave at him Jay sees this and says "you know Ashley pops? As he smiles "yeah one night during a show I was visiting Mark and Mark introduced her to me" as Jay smirks over at you "she is the girl I talked about from the bar a couple years ago" as their dad smiles at Jay "the one you saved from that dick head? As Jay nods his head.

You smile at them as Jay finishes getting the stuff from the back of the truck and then he walks over to you and Mark on the porch and stands by you "you find the farm alright? As you turn around and look at him "yep no problem" as he nods and their father takes Mark inside leaving you two alone so you two can start working, you two head towards the barn and you two work for while, he is in shock on how good you are at doing all this farm stuff. As you two are seating down outside of the barn. You two are talking and he smiles and leans over close to you and says "I am happy you came and help me and I appreciate it very much, so I was thinking to repaid you I could take you to dinner one night sooner then later? As you smile at him and say "alright I am down with that maybe next Thursday I don't got anything planned for dinner" as he smiles and says "next Thursday night I'll pick you up" as you nod your head "sounds good I'll give you my address before I leave today" as he smiles and you two go back to work for a few more hours.

To be continued!!!

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