Jay White

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Your job in NJPW and TNA Impact: your a upcoming female wrestler, plus your part of the Bullet Club, your Juice Robinson's sister plus your Jay White Girlfriend aka the Queen of the Club.

How you got with Jay White: 6 months ago you where at impact with Chris Bey your best friend, you two are there to support Chris Bey tag team partner Jay White who is the leader of Bullet Club and who you have a crush on, you are backstage standing by Jay's locker-room with Chris talking when Jay opens the door and walks out hugging Chris and smiling at you "you two ready? As Chris smiles and nods his head "yeah brother let's do this damn thing" as you look down at your feet then back up at Jay "yeah let's go champ" as he winks at you and you two walk out behind him towards the ring,

How you got with Jay White: 6 months ago you where at impact with Chris Bey your best friend, you two are there to support Chris Bey tag team partner Jay White who is the leader of Bullet Club and who you have a crush on, you are backstage standin...

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During Jay's entrance he does something that shocks everyone in the arena and even Chris and more important you he turns around and grabs your hand and pulls you against his chest sliding his hand up and down your back stopping just at the top of ...

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During Jay's entrance he does something that shocks everyone in the arena and even Chris and more important you he turns around and grabs your hand and pulls you against his chest sliding his hand up and down your back stopping just at the top of your ass, he bends down and kisses your cheek lightly before he gets in the ring and you turn to look at Chris who is just as shocked as you, but you shake your head and go stand by the ring with him and watch the match.

After the match he beats Alex Shelley, you are walking back to the locker-room you are using to change into your normal clothes then head to the hotel for the night Chris is chatting with some TNA Impact guys about the new and improved Bullet Club, Jay shakes his head and watched you leave and head to the women's locker-room, he smirks and gets up from his chair and excuses himself before he goes after you, you are tying your flannel shirt around your waist when he catches up to you and says "babygirl where are you going in a hurry? As you stop and turn around looking him up and down before licking your lips lightly "oh mighty leader I'm going to go change and head back to my hotel-room for the night I know Juice has probably text my phone a number of times wanted to know why you pulled that stunt out there before your match with Alex, so give me a reason to not let my big brother beat your ass? As he laughs "Juice wouldn't hurt me im Jay White Bay Bay and you wouldn't let him hurt your leader, your savior, the man you want, need and crave" as you smile at him "you are my leader, my savior but your crazy to think your the man I want, need or crave, I have standards And you Jamie are above mine standards so I don't get my hopes up and stay in line in my place as a member of the Bullet Club" as he smirks "nah we are equals in the club but babygirl I'm below you in standards, you are this hot piece of women, smart beautiful and so damn talented, I feel unwanted everytime I'm near you" as you look at him and move closer to him "you the all mighty Jay White feels unwanted because of me, are you high right now? As he laughs and pushes you against the wall next to the women's locker-room door "not high but horny for your sweet pussy babygirl" as you smile at him, And you move your hands to his chest and he smirks and moans out as soon as you touch him, you dig your nails up and down his abs and he leans down and kisses your lips passionately then his tongue slides into your mouth and you two start to french kiss. He pulls back a few minutes later and smirks "go change and get your stuff and come back to my locker-room, we will head to the hotel, I got plans for us and I fully intend to keep them" as you bite your lip and go inside and change.

He heads back to his locker-room, changes then let's Chris know the plan for the rest of the night, Chris has plans of his own and is fine with you going back to the hotel with Jay, Jay let's Chris know he wants you and tonight he is going to have you then make you his girl, Chris smirks at his friend, partner and leader and pats his back before leaving to find some pals and head out to the night club, you grab your stuff and head to Jay's locker-room you knock on the door and he opens it and smiles at you as he is in jeans tennis shoes and a fitting t-shirts, he looks you up and down "you ready to go? As you nod your head at him "yeah where is Chris? As he smirks and grabs his bag "oh he is out with some friends, it's just us two for the rest of the night, you alright with that babygirl? As you nod your head at him and he closes the door and you two start to walk down the hall and to the backstage arena and garage,

He heads back to his locker-room, changes then let's Chris know the plan for the rest of the night, Chris has plans of his own and is fine with you going back to the hotel with Jay, Jay let's Chris know he wants you and tonight he is going to have...

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You two make it to the garage and over to his rental car, he opens the back and you two put your bags in and then he goes around and opens your door for you and helps you in the passenger side, bending down and kisses your lips passionately after you seat down, he pulls back and looks you in the eyes "I'm going to destroy that pretty pussy" as you bite your lip and he smirks and goes around and gets in the driver side starting the car and then you two head to the hotel for the night.

To be continued!!!!

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