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The last couple of days and Nakamura is Fully healed and you two are heading back to work tomorrow with the company, you are packing your guys bags for the road, he is downstairs in the living-room watching TV.

You ordered pizza for dinner tonight since tomorrow you two will be leaving for the road again, Nakamura can't wait to be back on the road and start winning matches again and eventually get a title opportunity sooner than later is his goal and he plans to complete it this time around, he know he isn't getting any younger and his body slowly breaking down, you are 💯 percent behind him in whatever he needs to do to get the job done and become champion in the WWE.

You finish up packing for the next few days with the company then head downstairs to warm the pizza for dinner tonight, then you can relax and enjoy your night alone together at the house because tomorrow starts being on the road again and you don't mind it but you like your alone time together it's special and Truth be told it doesn't happen very often because on the road with the company you two are always around the other Superstars. So this past two weeks have been amazing, and you know it will be a little while before you two get time alone again but you are completely alright with it, work is important and you two need to make money to leave everyday especially when you two have time off, so come tomorrow you both go back into work mood, but tonight you two are going to have a good time together and hope it's not to long before it happens again.

Nakamura is completely happy with you two spending time together tonight because he also knows it's going to be a little while before it happens again, he knows work is important but so I your guys relationship.

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