Adam Page

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You two make it back to Florida after your weekend at his parents house: Today your meeting Jade and Brandi at the hair salon to change your hair color and cut, then your meeting Adam at the Arena for a little workout, tomorrow evening Brandi is having her baby shower at the Arena with all the wrestlers and so on you got baby Liberty an amazing gift, it's something Brandi and Cody can use with liberty until she is one years old, plus you got her name on it too, Liberty Iris Rhodes, it's got a bag too with LIR on the front, you are at the salon waiting for Jade, Brandi is already there and you two signed in for your guys appointments. The hairstylist gets started working on your hair coloring,

Then she is going to cut it too, you haven't been short in a couple years so this is definitely going to be a game changer,

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Then she is going to cut it too, you haven't been short in a couple years so this is definitely going to be a game changer,

Then she is going to cut it too, you haven't been short in a couple years so this is definitely going to be a game changer,

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Brandi gets her nails done and then Jade comes in and gets her hair shaved underneath.

You, Brandi and Jade are seating in the salon getting your hair done plus Brandi nails and Jade getting a touch up on her hair, you enjoy your time together relaxing with each other, after you all finish up, you head back to your apartment complex building Adam is meant to be back there after his meeting with Cody and you two are going to go to dinner together, you need to change into something more comfortable and nice looking for dinner tonight, you get home and get to your apartment. You lay down on the couch after you change into some lazy clothes, you will get ready when Adam texts you he is done with his meeting with Cody,Kenny and the Young Bucks about his title opportunity against Jon Moxley in a few weeks time, you find something to watch on tv. Adam is leaving the Arena his meeting went really well and he texts you when he is leaving, he needs to go home and change for your guys date, he invited Cody and Brandi for dinner one night this coming week, you also invited Jack and Ella too, you all just need to get in touch with one another and decide on a day, you get up and go to you room and find something to wear to dinner tonight,

 Adam is leaving the Arena his meeting went really well and he texts you when he is leaving, he needs to go home and change for your guys date, he invited Cody and Brandi for dinner one night this coming week, you also invited Jack and Ella too, y...

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Adam texts you when he gets home, he said you two have dinner reservations at the Outlaw steakhouse restaurant at 6pm, he will be at your place in about 30 minutes. You are standing in front of your mirror in your room fixing your hair then you head into the living-room seating on the couch your jacket and bag on the arm of your couch. 30 minutes later, Adam arrives at your place.

Adam comes up to your apartment and he is shocked when you open the door, he smiles and says "oh damn you got your hair cut and colored, I am liking it" as you grab your bag and jacket and you two head to his truck he wraps his arm around you as you two head downstairs and Adam opens your door And you get in then he goes around and gets in the driver side and you two head towards the restaurant. He grabs your hand as he drives. You two talk about your days, as you two get at the restaurant and he parks then comes around and helps you out of the truck then he grabs your hand and you two head in the restaurant to get your table, the hostess gets the waitress to take you two to your table, then you two look at the menu's. You both decided on what you want and put the menu's down so the waitress comes over and gets your orders leaving you some bread along with your drinks, you two talk and wait for your food to come back out,he smiles and says "tomorrow is Brandi and Cody's baby shower for liberty at the arena with the company, we going together right? As you nod your head at him, as he says "so you want to stay at my house tonight we can leave from my house and head to the arena for the special event, as you smile "yep that can work, we will stop by my apartment and I'll get some clothes for tonight then tomorrow plus liberty baby shower gift" as he laughs "that's sounds good darling" as he grabs your hand on top of the table. You two continue to talk and wait for your meals.

To be continued!

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now