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After Drew worked out, you two return to the hotel and Drew has got something planned for you two today, he is going to make love to you all night long if possible, tomorrow night is only Monday night you two got two days until Wednesday night NXT so tonight he is going to give you some D, you arrive back at the hotel and he goes to shower leaving you alone in the bedroom with your book, he smiles and kisses you passionately before heading into the bathroom to shower, he is looking forward to tonight with you, he loves having sex with you especially on the road its fun.

You take your boots and tights off leaving you in your sweater only as Drew come out in nothing but a towel around his waist as he smiles at you and crawls on the bed kissing your neck "babygirl you are going to be getting it long and hard tonight and I'm not stopping until you my cum is dripping from your soaked pussy" as you turn around and look at him, As he pulls your sweater off and takes your panties too as he removes his towel and gets in between your legs as he slides into you facing you making you feel him completely, as he smirks that Irish smirk you love so much as he takes his time before sliding out of you and turns you around and slides back into you from behind, As you moan out he grabs your boobs and squeeze them as he pushes into you making your moans turn into screams as he says "hot damn lass you got me addicted to your pussy, we are going to try something more this time Alright? As you turn your face and nod your head as he pushes you on your belly and gets pushes himself back in as he grabs your neck and pulls it back to kiss you as he continues to pounce Into you, His hand goes to your head and pushes it down into the pillow as he pushes deep inside you and you start to climax on his cock as he moans out and shots his load into your wet pussy "lass take it all like the girl you are" as you scream his name "Drew over and over again" as he smirks and pulls out of you slapping your ass with his hand as he lays back on his back and smiles as he catches his breath and you do the same, "one down alot more to go lass" as you giggle and he slaps your ass again tonight is definitely going to be a long one but you two can't wait

To be continued in a few days!!!

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