Matt Hardy

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The last couple days on the road has been nice, but come tomorrow he will be back home in Carmon, he is going to meet with Ruby the next day and talk about the baby situation, you are going to head home to your place in Atlanta, GA for the week. You got a doctor's appointment the following morning with your obgyn doctor to talk about some opportunities for you, you want kids at some point but Matt is going to have three with his ex wife. You love him but you can't put more on him so maybe you will get the IUD again for longer time when it comes up.

Matt is with you at your guys hotel room as he smiles at you "I'm going to miss you this week, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this situation with Ruby bring pregnant again with my kid,If she is any more then 4 months or anything less it's not mine she wasn't showing yet, and with both boys she would be showing by 4 months, I'll call you as soon as I find something out I promise and I know you got your obgyn doctor's appointment this coming week plus don't set up for a tube tied and removed just yet" as you look at him "I'm not going to do that, I got my yearly and I'm going to talk to my doctor about the iud a longer one when I got to get this one removed next year" as he smiles and moves close to you. "I love you so much" as you smile at him "I love you too Matthew" as you finish packing your bags as Matt watches you closely "four months and it's mine but anything more or less it's not mine I hope it's not mine I want my next baby with you babygirl" as you turn around and smile at him "I know but if it is you will be an amazing dad to that one just like with boys"  as he smiles at you.

"I hate this situation so much I remember little bits of that night and I could swear to God I wear a condom with her" as you look at him "if you did then she is lying about it being yours, Just ask how far along she is and you will know but if you think you wear a condom ask for a DNA test" as he nods his head at you, "good idea if she says she is four months along just be like ruby I'm going to want a dna test and if she gets upset you will know something is up" as he smiles "babygirl your so smart" as you giggle and finish packing your bags before turning around and smiles at him. He walks over and wraps his arms around you, as he moves you to the bed and lays down with you "I was thinking about something important too, i want you to move to Carmen with me, what do you think about that idea? As you look at him "you want me to move in with you really Matt? As he nods his head "yes babygirl I do, what do you say? As you giggle at him "yes Matt I'll move in with you" as he kisses your lips lightly "great next month when we are in Atlanta we can start packing up some stuff, you can pack some stuff this week while you are there too" as you nod your head at him "I'll do that" as he holds you close to him on the bed. Things are starting to look better for your guys relationship.

To be continued in a couple days...
Jon Moxley is up next!!!!

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