Jungle Boy

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Continues your day with Jack, Noah and Austin: you and Jack make it to the water park and find Noah, Austin Anna Jay and Preston, you head to the bathroom to change into your Bikini that Jack got you and Jack takes off his shirt and waits for you to come out,

Continues your day with Jack, Noah and Austin: you and Jack make it to the water park and find Noah, Austin Anna Jay and Preston, you head to the bathroom to change into your Bikini that Jack got you and Jack takes off his shirt and waits for you ...

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As you come out with your shorts on and your shirt in one hand and then your shoes in the other one as he smiles and then grabs your hand then you two head to the locker's put your guys stuff away, after you two put your stuff in the lockers as yo...

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As you come out with your shorts on and your shirt in one hand and then your shoes in the other one as he smiles and then grabs your hand then you two head to the locker's put your guys stuff away, after you two put your stuff in the lockers as you grab his hand,

As you come out with your shorts on and your shirt in one hand and then your shoes in the other one as he smiles and then grabs your hand then you two head to the locker's put your guys stuff away, after you two put your stuff in the lockers as yo...

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And you two head to where Noah, Austin, Anna Jay and Preston are waiting for you both. When you two get there Anna Jay gets up from her chair and comes over and hugs you "oh Ella come seat down next to me, I want to get to know you better, since you and this dork right here" as she points to Jack "have history" as you smile at her and Jack let's go of your hand and you go with Anna Jay and you two seat down together, she smiles and says "oh I love your Bikini" as you smile at her "I love yours too Anna"

 When you two get there Anna Jay gets up from her chair and comes over and hugs you "oh Ella come seat down next to me, I want to get to know you better, since you and this dork right here" as she points to Jack "have history" as you smile at her ...

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As you two talk then Jack comes over and kisses your cheek and says "come on Ella lets go get in the lazy river" as you smile at him as Anna says "go we can finish up later on" as you smile at her and you and Jack go to the lazy river together. As everyone else goes off and does their own thing, Anna takes your shorts, and shirt with her, plus your phone because she is going to Sunbathe. As you and Jack stay in the lazy river as you two hold hands,

As he pulls you closer to his float and leans over and kisses your lips lightly,

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As he pulls you closer to his float and leans over and kisses your lips lightly,

As you pull away and look at him "Jack we can't do that here, we will get kicked out of the water park" as he smiles "your still on your float kinda and I'm on mine we are good, chill Ella, I just want to kiss you romantically" as you smile at him...

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As you pull away and look at him "Jack we can't do that here, we will get kicked out of the water park" as he smiles "your still on your float kinda and I'm on mine we are good, chill Ella, I just want to kiss you romantically" as you smile at him, as you two go around again he holds into your float as he smirks and brings you in for another kiss, as you smile at him as you kiss him passionately, your fingers through his hair. Then you two pull apart and you look at him and smiles then he says "Sophie will kill me if she knows we are talking and you don't come by the farm when we are back home, so you got to come over the next time we are home " as you smile "alright but I have saw Sophie, actually when I was home two weekends ago I was over at the farm, we had dinner and a Movie Marathon" as he smirks "yeah I figured you still talked to her I mean you saw dad until he died and you where there at the funeral, I saw the sign-in book you came after everyone else left, but now your back with me and I want to show Sophie I didn't totally mess up my changes" as you smile at him.

A couple more times around the lazy river then you two go find the Wave Pool, Noah and Austin are in there as Jack is right behind you his hands are on your waist as you two move towards water, as he leans over and kisses your neck "I'm having naughty thoughts about you" as you turn your head and look at him in the eyes, "oh Jack Perry you naughty boy, what do you want to do to me exactly? As he whispers in your ear "MMM pull your Bikini bottoms to the side and side my fingers inside your pussy, make you ride my fingers right here in front of everyone" as you smirk at him "Jack that's really naughty but I'll do it" as he smirks and kisses your lips then mumbles against them "yeah you would, your take my fingers deep inside your pussy right here with people around, cum on my fingers damn babygirl I dream of finger fucking you, once I wanted to do it in the gym on the bleachers, you know when where there studying in our free period, damn it now I'm hard because I'm talking about finger fucking your pussy, I need to stop talking about your pussy" as you turn around in his arms and look him in the eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck "I like when you talk about my pussy Jack, I want to talk about your cock" as he smirks "babygirl shit my cock what do you want to talk about? As you smile and look at him and say "I want to feel it Jack I have for god how long" as his hands go to your ass and he squeeze it " babygirl your not playing fair, Fuck I haven't even took you out on a real date yet and you got me hard and I want to be deep inside your pussy, shit, my dad is looking down on us and shaking his head" as you laugh "nah he is probably saying son take her somewhere and make her yours already" as Jack smiles and kisses your lips "Fuck Babygirl, your mine Tonight" as you bite your bottom lip and he lifts you up in his arms,

A couple more times around the lazy river then you two go find the Wave Pool, Noah and Austin are in there as Jack is right behind you his hands are on your waist as you two move towards water, as he leans over and kisses your neck "I'm having nau...

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And continues to carry's through the water until you both get to Noah and Austin. As Noah says "you two getting up to some naughty stuff I'm guessing" as Jack turns and looks at Noah "what gives you that idea Noah" as Noah laughs "the way your holding Ella there Jackie boy" as you smile and Austin laughs "do you two want the keys to the car, we can get a ride back from Anna Jay and Preston you two? As Jack shakes his head "no we are good, but I'm staying with Ella tonight at her apartment" as Jack carry's you through the wave pool and you two relax together.

To be continued!!!!

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