Adam Page

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After the show tonight you are in your locker-room getting your bag ready to head to your car, Adam is wait for you outside your locker-room, you two are going out for some yogurt then you two are heading to Halifax, Virginia to sent the weekend with his family, and in two weekends you two will be in Blairsville, Georgia with yours,

After the show tonight you are in your locker-room getting your bag ready to head to your car, Adam is wait for you outside your locker-room, you two are going out for some yogurt then you two are heading to Halifax, Virginia to sent the weekend w...

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You walk out with your bag in hand and he smiles and two head towards his car, he opens his back trunk and lets you put your bag in then closes it the you two can head to the yogurt shop before the hotel because in the morning you two are getting ...

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You walk out with your bag in hand and he smiles and two head towards his car, he opens his back trunk and lets you put your bag in then closes it the you two can head to the yogurt shop before the hotel because in the morning you two are getting on airplane to head to Virginia to Adam's hometown. He is standing behind you in line in the yogurt shop you two are looking over the menu decide on what you both want you are learning towards Menchie's Froyo + Acai Superbowls aka PB Power Boost and Adam is learning towards Menchie's Froyo + Acai Superbowls aka Tropicalicious they are really good. Then you two head to the hotel near the airport, you two are sharing the same room tonight at his parents house in Virginia and in two weekends in Atlanta at your parents house. You two each have apartments here in Florida near the arena.

As you two make it to the hotel-room, and walk in to see one king size bed as Adam smirks and you catch this and say "oh Adam Hangman Page, you want to get Lucky tonight before we get to your parents house, you bad boy" as he laughs "what no that wasn't the plan Bella, I mean shit if I get you alone in a king size hotel bed then damn I'm one lucky man but like I'm saying nothing was planned our room was meant to be two singles for night with early check out Because we got to be at the airport at 8 for our leaving time at 9:30 in the morning, I promise I can behavior tonight in this big ass bed and when we return I'll call the hotel and give them a ear full to make sure they got their reservations in order for the right people" as you smile and you go into the bathroom "I get the bathroom first" as he nods his head and lets you do your thing as he seats down on the bed and smirks the hotel didn't mess up he did book a king size bed for tonight you two haven't been seeing each other's very long but he feels something towards you and it's something big and tonight is the first step to see if you feel it too, this whole weekend is planned out and his family is in on it to a point. You shower, and get ready for bed then you come out in your PJs,

For the night and lay down on the bed and he goes in th bathroom takes a shower him, as you grab your phone and see a text from Allie so you check the time and send a quick message back to her turn your phone volume off only using your alarm for t...

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For the night and lay down on the bed and he goes in th bathroom takes a shower him, as you grab your phone and see a text from Allie so you check the time and send a quick message back to her turn your phone volume off only using your alarm for the morning you got that set to get up and get ready to be at the airport on time. You promise to text her tomorrow afternoon after you and Adam arrive in Virginia. As a few minutes go by and Adam comes out in his lounge pants and a t-shirt then crawls in the bed grabbing his phone and sets his alarm for the morning too then you two get comfortable on the bed, as you two are laying on your sides looking at each other and he smiles at you and you smile at him and he says "I hope your family likes me Adam" as he smiles "they will love you Bella, I hope in two weekends I make a good impression on your family and they love me" as you giggle "you don't have to worry Adam my family will love you" as he smiles big at you and then learns over and kisses your lips lightly, Before you two can go sleep.

He holds your hand through the night and you two sleep peacefully all night long and early next morning your alarm goes off first so you can get ready, so you start with your hair,

He holds your hand through the night and you two sleep peacefully all night long and early next morning your alarm goes off first so you can get ready, so you start with your hair,

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Then your get dressed,

Then you do your makeup,

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Then you do your makeup,

Then Adam is up and he got ready in the bedroom then after you finished he went in there and used the bathroom and did his morning routine now you are waiting for him to come into the bedroom so you two can head downstairs to the lobby and then to...

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Then Adam is up and he got ready in the bedroom then after you finished he went in there and used the bathroom and did his morning routine now you are waiting for him to come into the bedroom so you two can head downstairs to the lobby and then towards the airport and check in for your guys flight.

To be continued!!!!

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now