CM Punk

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You and Punk are back on the road with the company, everyone knows you two are engaged, and Everyone is happy except his ex girlfriend AJ Lee and your ex boyfriend Chris Jericho, they don't like you two are happy and in love with each other so quick into your relationship. So they both work together and try and cause trouble in your relationship with Philip. You are in your locker-room that you share with the Bella twins and Naomi, you and Naomi are a tag team, you are getting in your gear, you got a match against summer rae tonight, Naomi is going to be at ringside to watch out for you incase Summer Rae's partner Emma,

 You are in your locker-room that you share with the Bella twins and Naomi, you and Naomi are a tag team, you are getting in your gear, you got a match against summer rae tonight, Naomi is going to be at ringside to watch out for you incase Summer...

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After you get dressed you head out to get something to drink from the cafeteria, Philip is with Kofi Kingston they are going over their move sets for their match next week, them two plus Randy Orton vs HHH, Hbk And Ric Flair

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After you get dressed you head out to get something to drink from the cafeteria, Philip is with Kofi Kingston they are going over their move sets for their match next week, them two plus Randy Orton vs HHH, Hbk And Ric Flair.

you make it to the cafeteria with Naomi, her husband Jonathan aka Jimmy Uso are with his twin brother Joshua aka Jay Uso the two of them are in line getting some sweets, with drinks, as Jimmy waves Naomi over as you smile and she goes off and you get in line for something to drink, Philip and Kofi walk in and Philip see you and he walks to you and wraps his arm around your waist "hi butterfly" as you smile and says "oh hi Champ, Kingston" as Kofi smiles and let's you and Philip have some alone time together before the show starts up Philip smiles and says "so tonight after the show ends, we are heading home for a 5 days, your mom is going to come in for her visit and you two can work on planning the wedding with my mom alright? As you nods your head at him "yeah that's the plan Philip" as he smirks and says "I love you princess as you smile at him "I love you too Champ" as you two seat down, and you drink your water, he leans over and kisses your cheek lightly. "So you with Naomi vs Summer Rae with Emma, then it's me and Kofi vs Cody and Ted in a tag team match. Next week it's it's him, Kofi and Randy vs HHH, Hbk and Ric Flair I'm looking forward to that match, I get my hands on HHH finally, and I heard you and Naomi vs the Bella twins in the women's tag team tournament, you and Naomi got this and at the end of the tournament you two will be the first ever women's tag team champions, I believe in you both, Beautiful Glow will be the first tag team names on them new titles" as you smile and say "punk I was thinking about something important, your mom is coming to help with the wedding planning, why not ask your sister too help to, make her feel wanted? As he smiles and kisses your forehead "your so smart darling, I'm so lucky to call you my future wife" as you laugh "I love you my future husband and I can't you asked me to marry you, it's still unreal" as he smirks and looks you in the eyes.

"Your my future darling and I can't wait to begin that chapter with you in a few months time" as you smile big at him "I feel the same way Philip" as he pulls you on his lap And holds you close to his chest, "so future tag team champ this coming weekend with your mom, mine and my sister starting the planning of the wedding in a few months time, I was thinking I could take your dad plus my stepdad golfing what do you think? As you turn to look in his eyes " oh that's a amazing idea champ my dad loves golfing, so he will have so much fun, your the best baby" as he laughs "I try honey" as you two continue to talk for a while then you got to go meet up with Naomi before the show starts and go over some last minute details for your match against summer rae tonight.

To be continued!!!!

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