Eddie Kingston

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Aew is back on the road: A couple days later the company is back on the road and tonight is the first show in over a year we are live, you are in Eddie and Jon's locker-room getting ready, Jon isn't here tonight because he home with Nora, but he will be joining the company in two days for the rest of this week. You are in the bathroom getting in your outfit, Eddie comes in and sees you learning on the corner top doing your makeup and hair with your top off but your bra on as he licks his lips "oh Mamà I like this sight" as you turn your head and smile at him "oh Mad King, you scared me, can you bring me my top from the couch please? As he smirks and nods his head and walks back into the main room and grabs the shirt and brings it back to you walking to you standing behind you and hands it to his hands go to your belly and he smiles "I'm lucky" as you giggle and finish up and lean against his chest as his arms go around you,

 You are in the bathroom getting in your outfit, Eddie comes in and sees you learning on the corner top doing your makeup and hair with your top off but your bra on as he licks his lips "oh Mamà I like this sight" as you turn your head and smile a...

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You finish getting ready then you two head to the cafeteria to get something to drink, plus Eddie wants to some cake, you two walk in the cafeteria hand in hand you go to grab yourself a drink and Eddie grabs himself a piece of cake, Eddie finds a...

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You finish getting ready then you two head to the cafeteria to get something to drink, plus Eddie wants to some cake, you two walk in the cafeteria hand in hand you go to grab yourself a drink and Eddie grabs himself a piece of cake, Eddie finds a table for you two you walk over but you walk into Ruby, she has the hots for Eddie and you know it because during his feud punk at the start of the summer she was at Eddie's side all the time it was crazy, she smirks at you then moves aside and goes to her table she is share Kris as you roll your eyes and head to the table Eddie got, he smiles and says "you alright little Mamà? You seat down and say "yeah I'm fine Eddie, he shakes his head and grabs your hand in his and makes you look at him "hi Mamà look at me, whatever is going on between you and Ruby, just let it go, she isn't worth it, concentrate on your job, and training and us" as you look at him "alright Mad King listen to your own advice, this damn fued with 2.0 and Daniel Garcia, it's just a fued but you, Jon and Jericho are always looking over your shoulders or thinking up a plan to get the heads up on them, so don't tell me something unless you're going to do it yourself"as you grab your drink and get up from your seat bend over and kiss his forehead "I love you, I need to go see Tony before the show starts" as he smiles "I love you too" as you head to Tony's office.

You make it to Tony's office and have your meeting, you want to talk to him about working with Ricky, Hook and Hobbs on training since Dustin is going to be out for a couple weeks, you want to continue your training and team taz is an amazing team, you love Eddie and Jon but you aren't a badass wrestler yet you want the basic first then go from there, Tony smiles and says he will get in contact with Taz who is home this week but will be back with us next week and see what he thinks, but go talk to Ricky tonight and see if him and the guys want to take it on this week and see what you got, as you nod your head at him then you head out and wait for the show to start, you send Ricky a text message to meet you after the show you need to talk to him, Hook and Hobbs about something important" he sends you one back, they will meet you in the parking lot after the show" Eddie comes up and stands behind you "babygirl I wanted to see you before the show started" as you look up and smile at him "oh My Mad King that's sweet" as he winks and kisses you passionately on the lips "I'm sweet for you only babygirl" as you giggle into the kiss he pulls back then you say "Ricky, Hook and Hobbs are meeting us in the parking lot after the show, I got to talk to them about something" as Eddie nods his head and smiles "Alright babygirl, and what you said earlier you are right, I'm sorry" as you smile at him "it's alright Eddie" as he kisses your lips again then he leaves for his one on one match with Daniel Garcia, 2.0 and Jon with Jericho is band from ringside.

To be continued

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