You're First Encounter

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Cm Punk: you where backstage heading towards the new divas locker-room when you bump into the current WWE champion Cm Punk, he smirks at you "your one of the new divas right? As you nod your head at him "that's right I'm (Y/N) I go by (Y/N) in the ring through champ" as he smiles and at you "I saw some of your matches your got skills girl keep up the good work" as you can't but smile big because Cm Punk is someone you have looked up to and find hot, as you look at him and say "thanks for the compliment and I'll do my best" as you walk off and continue towards the locker-room.

Dolph: you have worked for the company for a while now and today you will start working with Dolph, you are in the Arena gym waiting for Dolph to arrive so you can start your session with him as he walks in and says "are you (Y/N) the trainer? As you nod your head "yep that's me Dolph I'll be working with you from now on" as he smiles and you two start to work out, you know this is going to be an adventure but your game and you have heard Dolph can handle himself well.

Daniel Bryan: you where the child care specialist aka babysitter for the company and today you will start to watch birdie Joe Danielson the daughter of Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan, the now ex's share custody of birdie and Daniel is meant to be bringing her to you today as you are in the playroom Daniel and birdie come in and Daniel says "you must be (Y/N)' as you turn around and smile "that's right that's me, your Daniel and this must be birdie" as birdie smiles at you and Daniel nods his head, before putting birdie down and says to her "behavior baby girl and I'll see you later" as he kisses her and then looking at you and giving you some information then leaving for work.

Jeff Hardy: the company hired you as Jeff Hardy's personal body painter you paint his face for matches and today is your first day and you are on your way to meet him in his locker-room, you can't wait to get started you know his style but you also have a couple ideas you want throw by him and see how he feels about them as you get to his locker-room and you knock on the door and wait for him to open it as he opens it and smiles at you and you look at him and say "hey Jeff I'm (Y/N) I'm your personal face painter" as he nods and moves aside and let's in "welcome to Hardy's world" as he laughs a bit "the company said your good and said you know my style too" as you smile at him "I do know your styles but I do have some ideas I want to show you eventually and see what you think" as he smiles at you " definitely I'm done for new ideas" as you two sit down and you talk about what he wants for tonight's show.

Matt Hardy: you are one of the new backstage personal and today you have a meeting with Matt Hardy to go over his schedule for the next month, you are waiting for him in your office when there is a knock on your door and say "come in" and he opens the door and walks in and says "are you (Y/N)? As you nod your head "that's me come sit and let's go over your schedule Matt" as he smiles and walks over and takes a seat and you start to go over his schedule.

Drew: you are one of nxt interviewers and tonight you have the pleasure to interview the returning Drew McIntyre to the company and you are so excited, he was one of your favorites back in the day and you can't wait to see what he brings this time around as you are standing backstage going over your lines when he comes over and says "hey you must be (Y/N) the girl who will be interviewing me" as you nod and say "that's me and I would like to say it's a pleasure to be doing this, my opinion you had a good run your first time around but I believe your second time around your going to be 💯 times better" as he smiles and says "thank you darling I appreciate that I want to come meet you before we went on camera I didn't want it to be awkward so I'll see you in a bit" as you smile and say "yep see you then" as he walks off and you go back to your lines.

John Cena: tonight the company has put you in a tag team match with John Cena as your partner vs the team of Randy Orton and Mandy Rose, you can't believe you are tagging with John Cena he is a legend in the business already and you are honored to be tagging with with him, as you are backstage in the cafeteria talking to Becky when John comes up to you two and introduce himself to you before you two tag later saying "your (Y/N) right my tag team partner tonight and it's nice to see you again Becky" as Becky smiles and you nod your head at him "that's me it's nice to meet you finally John and I'm looking forward to tagging with you tonight" as he smiles at you "I have heard a lot of good things about you (Y/N) and I have saw what you can do in the ring girl you got talent" as you can't believe he is saying that to you it's amazing, he says "see you out there" as you nod your head towards him and go back to talking to Becky.

Randy Orton: tonight you will become Randy Orton's manager you have been working for the company for a while now and when you got hurt they started using you as a manager and tonight you make your return to live tv as Randy's manager, you are on your way to his locker-room to go over everything for tonight and make sure you both know what is going on as you get there and you knock and he comes and letting you in saying "hey you are (Y/N) my new manager right" as you nod your head "that's me I wanted to meet with you before we went out there and go over everything" as he smiles and nods his head "I like the way you think" as you two walk to his couch and sit down and talk about tonight.

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