Adam Page

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About two hours later you two make it to Adam's hometown and his dad is waiting for you two at the airport for you both, Adam waves at his dad the when you two get closer enough to him he says "Pops this is Bella my girlfriend and another wrestler, Bella this is my Pops" as you smile at him "its nice to meet you Mr. Page" as Adam's dad nod his head at you "you two Bella, did you two grab your bags already, your mom has this big party for you two with everyone in the family for the dinner, as Adam nods his head and holds up his bag then grabs yours and lifts it up "let's go Pops" as Adam's dad smiles and you three head through the airport and outside to the parking lot where he park his truck. Adam puts your guys bags in the front in with his dad and you two get in the backseat and you three head to Page's homestead as Adam points to a couple horses as pops drives up the driveway slowly as he says "you know my horse that I use sometimes on tv, that is her, that is my Jezebel, the dark brown one is pops, Duke and then my mom's is the white one, Queen then we have two Pony's for my nephew and niece, You will ride with me on Jezebel, my older sister Alexa horse we didn't keep we sold to get the Pony's for the kids and now we got to get another one in about a year from now for the second nephew from Alexa. She has three kids first was Little Bit Miss Emma then Our Little Man My Best Little Friend Johnny and then finally Our Little Firecracker Nathan, you will meet them tonight at dinner, and see them all weekend they live on the property with my parents just like with my both sets with my grandparents, Alexa husband Sean will be in and out through out the weekend he is a firefighter.

As you nod your head as his pops parks the truck, as Adam gets out and then helps you out and you grab your bag and he grabs his bag and you two walk up behind his dad to the house as the front door opens wide and two boys run out and straight towards Adam's legs as you are figuring the oldest one is Johnny and the little one is Nathan as Adam drops his bag and picks up both boys in his arms and smiles kissing Nathan on the check and then Johnny on the other side, as you smile at them and he say "boys this is Bella my girlfriend and plus she is also a wrestler with me, Bella those are my nephew's Johnny and Nathan" as you smile at them both before waving then you bend down at grab Adam's bag and you four all head inside, his dad is already in there. When you four walk in Alexa is waiting for the boys and see you and Adam and she smiles, she likes your style in the ring. Adam's is standing next to his dad and Alexa and Emma and when put your and Adam's bags down in front of you then Adam hands Nathan to Alexa and says "Alright you meet Pop's early but his name is David, this is my Ma Sadie, Sissy Alexa, Emma, Johnny, Nathan, everyone this is Bella my girlfriend then you will meet both sets of grandparents later on and Sean Alexa's husband" as the kids waves then everyone else says hi, his Ma says "your more beautiful in person darling, come in David grabs her bag Adam you grab your own, I'll show you to your and Adam's room for the weekend" as you smile at her and two walk to the bedroom she has setup for Adam and you this weekend. As you two talk on your way upstairs to the room she says your truly amazing Bella, we all watch you on Wednesday nights in the women's division" as you smile at her "thanks Mrs. Page or should I call you Sadie? As Adam comes up behind you two "Mama Sadie, babygirl, if you don't she will be upset" and Pops and my Gramps to both set of grandpa's and Granny, grandma's we just do Gramps P for Pops dad and Gramps S for Ma's dad and Granny's P and Granny's S for their partners. As you nod your head, and his mom smiles at him and says she will let you two get ready for the party it will be happen in a few hours, in the backfield, pops is going to start the grilling soon, she and Alexa have some of the slide already made but have some of the others to make, Sean will be home from work in about a hour or so and with that the party will be in about two hours or so, so come downstairs when you two get your bags unpacked and get changed for the party, As Adam smiles at his mom and leans over and kisses her cheek then she leaves you two alone to get settled in. He seats down on the bed and smiles at you "she likes you, I mean All my family does the only ones that has meet you yet is my grandparents and Sean and they will at the party and I'm guessing they will love you too" as you smile at him as you open your bag and find your something to wear for the party.

To be continued

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