Hangman Adam Page

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Your Nickname For Him: Cowboy
His Nickname For You: Darling

After you two leave Brandi and Cody's house and the party, you two make it back to his house, you get back and change out of your clothes and into some PJs,

After you two leave Brandi and Cody's house and the party, you two make it back to his house, you get back and change out of your clothes and into some PJs,

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Your hair pull back in a headband, that matches your PJs,

It's black with the little pink and white crown's on it, then you go into the living-room and seat down on the couch, pulling a blanket on your lap, Adam comes out in his PJs which is no shirt, lounge pants and socks

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It's black with the little pink and white crown's on it, then you go into the living-room and seat down on the couch, pulling a blanket on your lap, Adam comes out in his PJs which is no shirt, lounge pants and socks. He joins you on the couch, You find something to watch for while. He pulls you against his chest wrapping his arm around you and holds you against his side, "so I got to meet Matt and Nick tomorrow for a meeting about the situation with Cole, REDdragon aka O'Reilly and Fish, do you want to go to lunch after? As you smile "I like that idea very much cowboy I got to meet up with Tori Storm and Ruby Soho around 10 to go over our 6 women tag team match, us three vs Brit Baker, Rebel and Jamie Hayter in the main event, this Wednesday night" as he smiles and kisses your forehead lightly and says "great, we will meet at the Number One Chinese restaurant around 12:30 alright? As you agree to that, then you two watch a little more TV then turn in for the night.

You two sleep peacefully in each other's arms through the night, next morning you are up and getting ready to go meet Ruby and Tori,

You two sleep peacefully in each other's arms through the night, next morning you are up and getting ready to go meet Ruby and Tori,

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Adam already left to meet up with Matt and Nick, you are heading out to meet up with Tori and Ruby at the Arena to go over some last minute details for your tag team match this coming Wednesday night

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Adam already left to meet up with Matt and Nick, you are heading out to meet up with Tori and Ruby at the Arena to go over some last minute details for your tag team match this coming Wednesday night. You send him a quick text message letting him know, you are leaving to go meet up with Tori, and Ruby to go over some last minute details on your girl's 6 women's tag team match. Then you leave and a few minutes later you make it to the Arena where you go in and meet up with Ruby and Tori, as Adam is at a restaurant, having his meeting with Matt And Nick, a couple hours later you are leaving the arena heading back to the apartment complex building, you pull your hair into a ponytail, Adam is already there, you saw Sandra and she is working on your gear for Wednesday Night Dynamite. You call Adam and he answers it "hi darling, you on your way back here? As you smile and say "yeah I'm leaving the Arena's parking lot, do you want me to pick something up to cook for dinner tonight? As he laughs "nah I did that already, I got chicken, I'm going to grill it on the porch, I got fresh green beans And potatoes, and you sweet potatoes" as you smile and say "alright I got to run into the store and get some lady things for the next month, I'll be back to the apartment complex in a little while" as he says "alright darling, I'll see you when you get back be careful" as you giggle and say "I will be see you soon cowboy" as you two hang up and you pull in the parking lot of Walmart, getting out and going in and getting your female stuff, then paying and leaving and heading to the apartment complex building, a few minutes later you pull in the parking lot, and go to your parking spot, then park and get out grabbing the bags and heading inside, and upstairs to your apartment. You use your key and go in, you find Adam laying on the couch watching TV, his boots near the door his belt laying on the back of the chair, his shirt unbutton, and open, you smile at him "cowboy" as he looks up at you"hi darling, you need help with the bags? As you laugh and shake your head "nah it's one bag but thank you for the offer" as he smiles and says "when you get done in the bathroom come lay down with me" as you smile and nod your head, you go to the bathroom and puts the stuff up, then removes your shoes, earrings off and place them on the corner top, you then remove your small jacket and then go join Adam on the couch and watch some TV together before he starts on dinner.

He holds you against his chest, Matt and Ashley invited us over for dinner this coming weekend before the ppv, so it's us two, him and Ashley, Nick and Christy and Kenny and his lady Melissa this is the first time Kenny is going to be around for the show and he is going to work backstage at the ppv, as you smile and say "are you alright with being around Kenny so soon? As he looks at you "yeah I am fine, I call him early today before Nick and Matt got to the restaurant and we had a long talk, we are fine now, he knows when I help Matt and Nick against Adam and Bobby and Kyle, I'm doing it because we are a team, a brotherhood" as you smile and he kisses your forehead lightly"plus I can't hold grudges anymore, I got you and you have been keeping me grounded, he said he has changed too since he got with Melissa, I guess we just need women in our life's to straighten us out" as you smile and rub your hand up and under his shirt.

To be continued!!!

I think the last CM Punk I did will be the last, I'll add someone else to replace him, any ideas are welcome

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