Jungle Boy

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Gym with Jack, Noah, Austin, Anna Jay and Preston and Christian: you shower with Jack then you get in your workout clothes,

Gym with Jack, Noah, Austin, Anna Jay and Preston and Christian: you shower with Jack then you get in your workout clothes,

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Then you and Jack head downstairs to your garage and get in your truck,

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Then you and Jack head downstairs to your garage and get in your truck,

Then you and Jack head to the gym to meet Noah, Austin, Anna Jay and Preston and Christian

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Then you and Jack head to the gym to meet Noah, Austin, Anna Jay and Preston and Christian. When you two arrive there you go to a treadmill, Anna Jay joins you while the guys work on some arm exercises, as Anna smiles and says "damn your in amazing shape Ella" as you smile at her "thanks Anna I normally workout with Brandi, Cody, and Hangman and Dustin at the gym at the Arena" as Anna smiles at you "so you closed to Hangman? As you shake your head at her "yep when I got hired he was the one who helped me with my office, plus showed me around Arena, his wife Kate invited me over for dinner a couple times a week when I First moved in my apartment she didn't want me being alone, she is so sweet, I'm so happy for him and her they are expanding their family just like Brandi and Cody. Liberty Iris Rhodes will be here late next month and Adam and Kate's little bundle of joy will be here in 5 months.

As Anna then smiles at you "yeah I can't believe it in both couples, so you and Jack went to high school together and you knew his dad, you know his sister too I'm guessing? As you smile at her "oh yeah about 3 months ago I was on the Perry farm with his sister Sophia we had a girls weekend, his dad was the most sweetest man I have meet, he was my second dad for sure, my dad left when I was little then came back when I was in middle school then left again right before we moved to L.A and I meet Jack first day of High school a couple days later I meet Luke along with Sophia and Jack and Sophia's mom Rachel Sharp, that women is a sweetheart too, my mom and his mom become friends and they are still close" as Anna smiles "your dad? As you shake your head, "when he left right before me and my mom moved to LA, he never came back around, he called my mom the day before I graduate high school then my graduation from college, haven't heard from him since then, he did remarry and I have two half siblings sisters one is 18 now named June and the other one is 15 named Dawn, I talked to them and their mom her name is Maria who he left about 7 years ago, she is a good women my dad is an completely asshole, my mom has even talked to her about my dad and not to get upset about him leaving, her and the girls will be better off without him. As Anna smiles and she then says "so you though me and Jack where together I heard? As you laugh "yeah, I saw you two around the Arena and at first I didn't know Jungle Boy was Jack Perry, plus your guys IG and Facebook, Twitter accounts didn't help the situation, I didn't know you and Preston where together like that i mean you said on Facebook you where in a Relationship but never put with whom, Jack's Facebook it says Single but most of his pictures are with you, Sophia and his mom, are the only girls besides fans I saw on his Facebook, IG or Twitter accounts" as she nods her head at you "nah me and Jack have always been friends, I been with Preston for a couple years now" as you smile "yeah I got that I'm sorry I didn't give you change when I first meet you" as she nods her head "it's alright we are friends now" as you nod your head and agree with her on that one.  As she smiles and says "now you can be added to that number, his Mom, Sophia, You and me, plus fan's" as you smile at her, Jack, Noah and Austin, Preston come over Christian had to leave, Preston gets on the machine next to Anna, Jack on one next to you and both Noah and Austin on two more and you all walk together for a little bit then you get off and go do your legs, Anna and Preston leave and Anna waves at you before they do, as Jack, Noah and Austin do their cardio then stops.

Jack smiles and walks over to you and counts for you, as Austin and Noah go work on some arm exercises together, as Jack smiles at you then learns down and kisses your lips lightly "so do you want to come to my place and have dinner with me, Noah and Austin tonight? As you smile at him big "yeah that sounds good, you going with them? And I'll come over later on, I need to call my mom and check on her she hasn't been doing good" as he nods his head at you "yeah, you tell your mom I said hi when you call her alright, we will go visit her, my mom and Sophia soon I promise" as you smile at him as he kisses your lips again, "I'll send you our address, dress normal alright and bring a overnight bag, you stay with me tonight since I stay with you last night" as you smile at him and then you get up and he leaves with Austin and Noah, you head home and get ready for dinner tonight, you call your mom and check in on her, letting her know Jack said hi and promises we will be home soon for a visit as she likes that idea very much. You then hang up and go get your overnight bag ready, Jack texts you the address of their house as you put it in your phone and then head that way when the time is right, your hair still down like it was early, but your clothes are completely different,

 You then hang up and go get your overnight bag ready, Jack texts you the address of their house as you put it in your phone and then head that way when the time is right, your hair still down like it was early, but your clothes are completely dif...

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You put your bag in the truck and then you head that way for dinner with Jack, Noah and Austin.

To be continued!

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