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you and Dolph are down in Hollywood FL for a few days, Dolph loves having you in his City he loves showing you around, especially when you two don't have work and you two can just go sightseeing without a time limit it, he knows you like beaches and Hollywood has some amazing ones and he can't wait to show you around his beautiful City the next few days.

You can't wait to see around his City, you two are on your way there now so your be arriving at his house very soon, you love his house it's so beautiful you have been there once before when you two where close with the company and you Fall in Love with it you see why he moved there in the first place.

You two have a great few days planned while you are there, one thing Dolph wants to do is take you to his favorite restaurant in the city and show you off to everyone around, this restaurant is his favorite because the food is so good and the atmosphere is amazing he is going to show you how much he loves you off to the world by showing you the good things.

You love how he is into the finer things in life, facey dinner and nice clothes you have never had that until you started dating him, so it's a game changer. And you like it alot. And you can't wait for this weekend especially spending time with him in Hollywood FL and at his home.

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