Ricky Starks & His Trainer Renee final part 2/2

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A couple hours later you two are laying down on the bed trying to catch your breath, he just made you climax about 3 times. As Ricky's fingers run over your belly and smiles, "babygirl your so sexy and all mine" as you smile at him and he leans over and kisses your lips and you two get comfortable on the bed, his arms pull you on his chest and he rubs his hand over your back as you two fall sleep, he can't believe your in his arms and he isn't going to let you go anytime soon. The next morning you two are up, he has you up against the shower wall, giving you another dose of Starky. As he has your arms above your head as he continues to bounce you on his cock.

He smirks and says "omg babygirl your so tight, I could die happy right here inside your warm pussy" as you try and move your hands so you can touch him but he isn't having it, he keeps your hands above your head, "you haven't earned it yet babygirl, I want you to cum on my cock so damn hard, then I'll let you touch me" as you moan out and he continues to bounce you up and down on his cock, making you take him all, so damn deep inside you, he feels your walls tight up around him and he loves that feeling. You moan out and he feels your about to climax on his cock, he pushes you against the wall and pounces into you hard, he continues to do this until you climax all over his cock then he puts you on your feet and kisses your lips as your hands go to his chest and you rub it lightly, moving your fingers up and down his chest, running your nails along his Chest. You two wash off then you two get out of the shower, you two need to get ready to head to the arena for your workout, Hook is meeting you two there, Brit Baker's little sister Shay is going to be at the Arena with Brit, Hook and Shay are close in age and have become really close since they started their training sessions with Cody and Dustin Rhodes. Hook wants Shay and Shay wants Hook and today he is going to ask her out on a date, you are super excited for him and you know Shay will say yes. You get dressed back in your outfit from last night and Ricky is already in his gear, he is going to take you to your apartment and let you change then you two  will head to the arena for your workout.

He smirks when he sees come out in your outfit from last night, your braiding your hair for the workout session with Ricky, maybe Hook and Shay later on, as Ricky lets you finish up then you two head outside and to his car, your hair is braided in pigtails,

As he smirks and leans over and kisses your cheek when you get in the car and head to your apartment complex building, he is going to wait for you to come back downstairs, and when you go upstairs he calls Hook and lets him know you two will be th...

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As he smirks and leans over and kisses your cheek when you get in the car and head to your apartment complex building, he is going to wait for you to come back downstairs, and when you go upstairs he calls Hook and lets him know you two will be there in a couple minutes, as Hook let's Ricky know he is already at the arena, he is talking to Shay, as Ricky smiles into the phone "you asked her out yet brother? As Hook laughs "no not yet but I'm going to in a few minutes, I'll see you two in a couple minutes, brother I want to hear about your date" as Ricky laughs and hangs up. You are upstairs getting ready,

Then you head downstairs and get back in the car as Ricky smiles at you and you two head to the Arena for your workout session with Ricky

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Then you head downstairs and get back in the car as Ricky smiles at you and you two head to the Arena for your workout session with Ricky.

Fast toward, your brothers have been doing the try-outs and have made it to the finals, they both meet Ricky Friday before rampage started, Hook and Shay have been dating since that day after hook asked her out, you and Ricky have a strong relationship, you can't wait for your mom to meet this amazing man at the end of the month, Evan and Jackson are about to be signed to an Aew contract, Evan's finance Allie is coming down with your mom to try and find place for Evan and her to move, Jackson made friends with Silver and he is going to move in with him in a couple weeks, Jackson has even started to date fellow wrestler in Rebel, you are thinking about letting Evan and Allie have your apartment, because Ricky got his friend to find a house for you to look at and the moment you did you fall in love, Evan will be able to stay in the apartment complex because he is going to be signed to Aew, Allie will get a job and they can take over your lease. And it's big enough for them, 4 bedroom 3 bath if they add kids to their family in the future it works, they will have three guest rooms for kids or family members that happen to come visit in the future. Tonight you are backstage with Ricky who has a title match against Cage.

You went a couple days ago and got your hair cut,

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You went a couple days ago and got your hair cut,

You went with Brandi, who need a girl day out she had liberty about two weeks ago and Cody keep Liberty while you two went, you haven't seen Ricky since you got your hair cut and colored so tonight he can see the new you

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You went with Brandi, who need a girl day out she had liberty about two weeks ago and Cody keep Liberty while you two went, you haven't seen Ricky since you got your hair cut and colored so tonight he can see the new you. Your brothers are in the audience with some of the other wrestlers for the show tonight. You meet up with him before his match against Cage, he loves it the moment he sees you walk in "babygirl omg I love it" as you walk over to him and he pulls you on his lap "really Ricky it isn't to much right? As he smiles and kisses you "it's pretty babygirl, I like it, so Taz wanted me to ask you something important" as you look at him and he smiles "you come to ringside tonight for my title match against Cage, I need my good luck charm" as you smile at him "I would love too" as he smirks and kisses your lips again. He beats Cage, you two to celebrate with your brothers, Taz and his wife Teresa, Hook and Shay then finally Hoobs, you let Ricky know you got this girl for Hoobs and she is also coming as Ricky smiles he loves you and how your looking out for everyone member  of team Taz. Your brothers get the contract, your mom and future sister in law are in town, your mom is super excited to meet Ricky Starks the guy who won her daughters heart, you let Evan know about the idea you have and he loves it, he knows Allie will too, you talked to them both when you get them alone and Allie loves it and you sign over the lease to them, you start the process of getting that beautiful 5 bedroom, 4 bath it's on the perfect piece of land, its truly amazing and you love Ricky for getting you in touch with your realtor.

Your 6 month anniversary with Ricky you asked him to move in with you and he said yes, then right before your one year  anniversary with him he asks you to marry him and you say yes 💯 percent. You got your man, your dream job, your family and friends whom you wouldn't change for nothing, your mom moves to FL right before your first anniversary with Ricky and him asking you to marry him, you, Allie, your mom and help from Brandi you plan the best wedding it's small nothing to big even through Ricky wanted it big your happen with small, you two got married two years from the day of your first date together, your so happy, you continue to be a personal trainer for Ricky, you add Hook and Shay to your client list. You just got some amazing news from your doctor too, (hint hint your pregnant with Ricky's baby, your husband is over the moon when he finds out and you have to stop being the personal trainer for him, Hook and Shay for now but he is super excited to be a daddy. Hint it's a little boy, who is going to be a Ricky's mini me, you two decide on his name before he arrives, Alexandra James Starks aka AJ. He has his daddy wrapped around his little finger from the moment he made his entrance into the world.

That's it for this one!!! Keep an eye out for Ricky to be added to the list in the future. I got Christian Cage up next!!!!

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