Jay White

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Your nickname for him: You're Switchblade
His nickname for you: His babygirl

Continuing your date with him: after you two finish eating, he pays then you two head towards the mall, you two are going to do some shopping together. He parks his truck far away from the entrance of the mall, then he pulls you over the console and into his lap, his hands grip your ass, "we are going to go shopping for you some lingerie and workout clothes and a outfit for next week's live interview with the whole club, I want my girl looking breathtaking, and I want everyone to know your mine completely too, they can look but they can't touch no more, your mine and I'm yours" as you smile and place your hands on his chest.He smirks and then kisses your lips passionately, licking your bottom lip then sides his tougue in and you two French kiss, you two makeout for a little bit then you two stop and get out of his truck him right behind you, his hand goes to your waist as you two walk in the mall and head to the first store, it's the store where you two will pick out your outfit for next week's show,

You two look through some pieces and you find something that you like plus Jamie finds sexy so Jamie bought it for you, then you two head to the lingerie store, the jacket I'll get Rebecca to put my logo on the back, or do you want Switchblade's girl? As you giggle "your logo is fine we can get Rebecca to put Switchblade's girl on the front" as he smirks "I like that idea very much", as you look through the lingerie and find a few pieces. He smirks and you get the ones you both like then you head to the workout clothing store. Jamie carry's all your bags and helps you pick out a few pieces then you two leave the mall and he takes you home, he has plans for later on tonight, you two are going to watch a movie together at his house, but first you got to drop off your bags, plus give him the jacket so he can give it to Rebecca tomorrow afternoon to begin to work on. You two make it back to your place, and you take your bags in and place them in your living-room. He is right behind you and he pushes you against the wall, he grabs your face in his hands "you are amazing babygirl and im lucky to be able to call you mine, so thank you for giving me a chance to show you how much you mean to me" as you smile and kiss his lips "Jamie, your an amazing man and I'm the lucky one, and it's my pleasure to give you this change, I can't wait to see what you got planned for us in the future" he smirks and you grab the jacket out of the bag from the first store and you carry it out as you two head back outside and to his truck.

He helps you in and then you two head to his house, for the movie and later on he will order some takeout for dinner, you slide in the middle of the front seat and get close to him as he drives "babygirl behavior" as you giggle "but Sir I like getting you all hot and bothered" as he smirks "yeah I know you do but now that your mine, I can punish you do you want to be punished by me when we get back to my house? As you look at him with a spank in your eyes "yes Sir can I be punished by you" as he bites his lip and says "I'll punish you when we get to my house, I'll show you my playroom, sound good babygirl ? As you smirk and he continues to drive to his house, your hand goes to his knee as he sends you a little smirk "you playing with fire now babygirl, I'm going to whip you, maybe handcuff you and pleasure you with some toys" as you bite your bottom lip and squeeze your thighs tightly together, you can't wait for whatever he has in mind for you two in the playroom. A few minutes later he pulls in his driveway and parks, he grabs your chin and kisses you passionately "get out of the truck and go stand by my front door, I'll be there in a minute do you understand me? As you giggle and get out of the truck and you walk to the front door and wait for him to get out, he takes his time and finally gets out and walks over, opening the door and grabs your hand and you two head inside and as soon as you two are inside he pushes you against the wall and kisses you passionately his hands go to your ass and he squeezes your ass cheeks then grips them lifting you up and carry's you to his playroom for your alone time together in there.

To be continued... Next part it gets a little hot and bothered between you two!!!!

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now