Orange Cassidy

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He takes you to lunch after the workout session: after your session with everyone you and Cassidy head out of the Arena and down the street to the cafe for some lunch, you got a hoodie on, as you two walk down the street hand in hand together, he smiles and says "your really talented, Dustin is right you got some amazing moves in that ring, especially on that top rope" as you smile at him "thanks I appreciate that I love doing top rope moves, I feel at home on the top rope" as he nods his head at you as you two make it to the cafe, and find a table. He smiles and says "so you got an apartment close to the arena ? As you nod your head "yep a couple minutes away, but I'm looking for a house near the water, I got a house in Atlanta, GA close to my family but I need one down here for work and I can't live in one bedroom apartment for the rest of the career" as he nods his head, "I understand completely I don't know like living in an appointment plus I live with both Chuck and Trent so it's hard three bedrooms two bath between three grown man, I have house in Stewartsville, NJ near my family too but your right need a place to your self down here close to work, and it isn't an apartment, I would like a house close to the water too" as the waitress bring the menu's over and gets your drink orders as you already know what you want, you love this place, you come here with Allie and Blade all the time, your getting the Cuban Sandwich with Sweet Potato Fries with a large Ice Water, as Cassidy is going to get the same with a large Ice Sweet Tea.

A few minutes later the waitress comes back and gets your guys orders then you two seat across from each other and talk about things as he then says "so Cody and Brandi are holding that party tomorrow night at the arena, you got a date? As you smile "nah not yet I was thinking of going solo, do you have a date? As he shake his head "nah I don't have one yet, maybe we can go together? As you smile at him "mmm yeah I like that Idea, I would love to be your date to the party tomorrow might" as he smiles big "great, I'll pick you up at your apartment complex around 6pm? As you nod your head at him "sounds good" as the waitress comes back with your food and then goes and gets you refills for your drinks, as you look at your food and you smile "their food is amazing, me, Allie and Blade come here a lot" as he smiles "ill definitely have to tell the guys about it, they love a good philly cheese steak sandwich and that one that man order at the counter looked amazing and the noises he was making it was delicious for sure" as you smile "oh you will see everything is amazing and delicious after you dig in to your sandwich and fries" as he smiles, and you two dig and enjoy your lunch and you watch his face as he eats it and you can tell he really likes it. After you two eat you two pay for what your own food then you head back to the arena, you got a couple things you need to do for Brandi for the party tomorrow night. As Cassidy is going to head home with Chuck and Trent but he will text you later on tonight. As you smile at him and he leans over and kisses your lips lightly before him, Chuck and Trent leave the arena, leaving you, Brandi and Vickie Guerrero to work on some of the party favors as soon as they leave Brandi gives you a look like spill the beans girl, as you smile at her "we have got closed and he is my date for tomorrow party" as Brandi smiles big "oh damn whatever Kris said didn't stop you from getting your man I see" as you giggle at her "nah he told me not to worry about her, he wants something more then a friendship with me and with her it's just a friendship" as she is happy for you she wants you to be happy, you deserve it, your the sweetest girl she has meet, you have help the company since started, plus if her or Cody ask you for anything in your reach you will try your hardest to do it, your amazing worker and they are lucky to have you, as you three work on the party favors then you head home, you get home to your apartment complex and you text Cassidy and let him know you are home then you two text back and forth for a bit then then in for the night.

Next morning you are up, you got a couple things you need to do before you got to get ready for the party, you got your outfit already picked out your hairstyles picked out and make-up idea picked too, so when it's time for you to get ready you put your outfit on,

Next morning you are up, you got a couple things you need to do before you got to get ready for the party, you got your outfit already picked out your hairstyles picked out and make-up idea picked too, so when it's time for you to get ready you pu...

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Then you do your hair,

Then you do your hair,

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You do your make-up,

Then you text Cassidy your address so when it's time for him to come over he has your address

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Then you text Cassidy your address so when it's time for him to come over he has your address. He texts you when he is on his way to you, he doesn't live that far, his apartment complex isn't that far from yours.

To be continued!!!!

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