Ricky Starks & His Trainer Renee

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Request for amaariona
This will a four part story!!!

Ricky Starks and Renee Thompson Ricky's personal trainer are at the arena getting a workout in before Aew Rampage tonight, it's the second episode and Ricky is going against Darby Allen in a one on one match but Ricky's title isn't on the line, Renee has been Ricky's personal trainer since Ricky joined Aew roster a year ago and you two are an amazing team, you even introduced him to Taz and got him on Team Taz a few weeks after he got signed with the company, You two constantly flirt with each other. After your workout you two are seating in the ring hanging, flirting with each other he smirks at you "Renee i don't know how to think you for all you have done for me" as you smile at him "I push you but it's all you, you do the final product" as he smiles and kisses your cheek lightly,

 After your workout you two are seating in the ring hanging, flirting with each other he smirks at you "Renee i don't know how to think you for all you have done for me" as you smile at him "I push you but it's all you, you do the final product" a...

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He says "I know it's not professional because your my personal trainer but I would like to take you on a date, what do you say? Tomorrow night, you and me the steakhouse 6pm? As you smile and nod your head "it's a date" as he smiles big and you tw...

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He says "I know it's not professional because your my personal trainer but I would like to take you on a date, what do you say? Tomorrow night, you and me the steakhouse 6pm? As you smile and nod your head "it's a date" as he smiles big and you two get up and out of the ring because Orange Cassidy, and Trent need it before the show starts, plus you two need to go to the gym and do your work out there before the show starts. A couple hours later you two make return back to the arena, you go to your office to shower and change for the show, You got to talk to Brandi about next week shows,

 A couple hours later you two make return back to the arena, you go to your office to shower and change for the show, You got to talk to Brandi about next week shows,

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After you get ready you head to Brandi and Cody's office to talk to them about next week's schedule, your baby brothers are in town and want to try-out and since the company has try-outs on Thursdays you wanted to see if you could add your brother...

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After you get ready you head to Brandi and Cody's office to talk to them about next week's schedule, your baby brothers are in town and want to try-out and since the company has try-outs on Thursdays you wanted to see if you could add your brothers names to next week's list. As you are walking down the hall towards the cafeteria to grab something to drink then to go meet up with Brandi and Cody in their office, you look over and see Ricky, talking to Hook Taz's son and Hoobs, as Ricky waves at you as you grab a water bottle and walks over to them three "hi Hook, Hoobs and Ricky you three ready for tonight's show? As Ricky wraps his arm around you and smiles "oh yeah darling, you look like you got some business to do tonight? As you laugh "oh yeah I got to talk to Brandi and Cody about some personal stuff that concerned my family" as Hook nods his head and Hoobs does the same thing they let Ricky know they are going to go find Taz, just come to the locker-room when you two get done talking as Ricky smiles at his team members, as they both wave bye to you and walk off. As you look at Ricky and smile at him.

"So family business, would it concerned your two brothers who posts videos on your feedback all the time of them attempting to wrestle? As you laugh "yeah they are going to be in town next week and they want to try-outs for some of the coaches, but I need to put their names on the list" he says "yeah, they are going need some training, they are rough, we got a legend coming tonight did you see that on the paperwork, do you know who it is? As you smile at him "yeah I do but I can't tell you Ricky its a Secret until he or she debut it's good for business, but it's a big deal for Aew" as he smiles at you "I understand love, but if it's CM Punk or Daniel Bryan like the damn rumor Mill has been saying we would be getting them sooner then later, the whole roof will come off this building each time, because Punk hasn't wrestling for over 7 years and Daniel was early last year in WWE but hasn't been in an a great match in years" as you smile and agree him completely, you have been trying to get some female legends to come and sign with the company and you got a couple interested, Amy Dumas aka Lita is going to come over in about 3 months when her contract is completely closed with WWE and she can go to other companies, she doesn't mind that Matt Hardy is here, her and Chris Jericho are close, same with Christian Cage and even the debut superstar (CM Punk). She even got Trish to come over in about 4 months too. so you got two legendary women coming over and hopefully you can get them to sign some kind of contract, there is talk when Daniel Bryan comes over a few months later his wife's Brie Bella and sister in law Nikki Bella contracts will be up with WWE so if Aew can get there hands on them in case the Bella twins want to return to the ring down the road would be awesome, you and Brandi are working with TNA, we may get  get Melina's contract and Mickie James's in a couple weeks time. The company is starting to pick up and you are happy to be a part of it, as you and Ricky find a table and seat down, he has his drink in hand and you do too, you two have time before you need to meet Brandi and Cody and before the show starts and his match against Darby Allen takes place at the starts of it.

To be continued in a few days!!!!

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