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You and Hook get closer: it's Wednesday morning and you got training class with Cody and Dustin then tonight it's Aew Dynamite. You are standing by Jade, Hobbs and Hook waiting for Cody and Dustin to arrive for class, Hook is playing with the end of your shirt,

 You are standing by Jade, Hobbs and Hook waiting for Cody and Dustin to arrive for class, Hook is playing with the end of your shirt,

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As you smile at and he is in a while tank top today "who is firting now Hook? As he smirks "oh I am but I'm not hiding it Shay, and please wear anyone but Adam on Friday" as you smile "MMM Jungle Boy it is" as he laughs "that's fine Jack is a frie...

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As you smile at and he is in a while tank top today "who is firting now Hook? As he smirks "oh I am but I'm not hiding it Shay, and please wear anyone but Adam on Friday" as you smile "MMM Jungle Boy it is" as he laughs "that's fine Jack is a friend" as Cody, Dustin finally arrive, Dustin puts you working out with Hobbs and he wants you doing legs, Cody puts Hook with Jade and he wants him on his arms for a hour and half, then it's in ring, for another hour and half of training, as you like Hobbs, when you hurt your knee he was the one who carry you to to the doctors office in the back. As you and Hobbs begin and you got your knee brace on and Hobbs asks you how it's holding up as you say "it's good, doctor said never be able to remove it if I want to wrestle but any other time I am fine without it" as he smiles big he understands completely alot of wrestler have to wear brace's while in the ring but outside they don't as Jade questions Hook about you? As Hook looks at Jade and smiles "oh Shay is going to be my Jade I want her as my other half and I don't stop until I get what I want" as Jade smiles because she knows you want him so it's all good as Hook works on his arms then you get in the ring with Dustin and work on the moves Dustin wanted you to, Cody does the same with Hook then after training, Dustin let's you know Brandi will be working with you Friday he has a doctor's appointment as you smile and Brandi wants to know what you have learned so just go over what you you two have been practicing from Monday and today to use, as you nod your head and he leaves Cody let's Hook know his dad will be there Friday to see how it is going so far as Hook nods his head and Cody pats Hook's back "your both are doing amazing job, this early in the training and your both killing it" as you both smile at Cody who leaves too as you and Hook leave the training center and head to the arena, with Hobbs and Jade right behind you two as Hook says "Shay do you want to meet at the cafeteria and get something to eat in about two hours? As you smile at him and agree as he smiles then him and Hobbs leave to meet up with his dad, Ricky and Brian as you head to meet up with Britt and Rebel with Jade. You get to Britt's locker-room and you shower and get ready for the show,

 You get to Britt's locker-room and you shower and get ready for the show,

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As you finish getting ready then head towards the cafeteria, you need something to drink and on your way there you bump into your ex boyfriend who is also signed to Aew but he is an full time wrestler, Ethan Page, we dated right before he got sign...

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As you finish getting ready then head towards the cafeteria, you need something to drink and on your way there you bump into your ex boyfriend who is also signed to Aew but he is an full time wrestler, Ethan Page, we dated right before he got sign with Aew we where together for 2 years but he got to big headed and I broke up with him but he denies that and says he broke up with me which is fine whatever helps him sleep through the night. As he sees and smiles "well Shay Baker you look good babygirl" as you roll your eyes "oh Ethan Page, you don't and I feel sorry for Hangman Adam Page having to share the last name Page with you because you bring that name down" as you walk past him and Into the cafeteria and gets you something to drink. As you see Allie and her husband Jesse as they wave at you and you walk over and Allie hugs you and Jesse smiles and asks you how it's going as you let them both it's going good, as about then Adam Page comes up and wraps his arms around your waist and says "I heard you put Ethan in his place a few minutes ago cowgirl" as you giggle "oh you know it Hangman, i told him he brings the Page name down" as he laughs and kisses your cheek before heading off to the Dark Order table, he has become friends with them. As you smile and Allie says "I don't understand why you dated Ethan when you liked Adam? As you smile at her "Adam doesn't like me like that, besides that was years ago I'm into someone new" as Allie smirks and says "who is this guy I want the details girl" as you laugh and says "Jesse leaves and I'll tell you? As she pushes Jesse away and then turns to look at you as you laugh and say "it's Hook" as she smiles big "omg yes you two are close in age, and he is so adorable I see it happen" as you laugh again then Hook comes in with his dad and his mom who is going to be in the fans Tonight.

As you are heading out and Taz sees you and stops you "Shay this is my wife Teresa, Teresa honey this is Shay, our Aew women's championship Britt Baker little sister plus she is in Cody and Dustin's wrestling classes with Tyler" as you smile at her "it's nice to meet you Mrs. Senerchia" as she smiles "call me Teresa honey and it's lovely to meet you too, are you the one who my son invited to join us for dinner tonight before the show starts? As you look at Tyler who smiles big "yes I hope that's alright? As she smiles big "oh darling it's fine, there is diner down the street you two want to go there and grab something in about an hour? As you nod your head at her and she smiles "alright Tyler go with her and we will meet back at your dad's locker-room in a hour as Hook smiles and grabs your hand and you two head off to find Britt so you can let her know you will be gone for a little bit before the show, but your be with Taz and his family.

To be continued

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