Jay Briscoe

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You two continue to spend time together: after your date with Jay, you went back to your apartment complex and went to bed, Jay went to back to the farm. He invited you to the training session with Mark, Bully Ray and ODB aka Jessica so next morning you are up and getting ready to head to the arena for this session,

 He invited you to the training session with Mark, Bully Ray and ODB aka Jessica so next morning you are up and getting ready to head to the arena for this session,

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You make it to the arena and Mark is outside waiting on you as you smile and pull besides Jay's truck and Mark walks over and opens the door for you "Jay is talking to Bully Ray about some last minute details for the show this coming week, so I to...

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You make it to the arena and Mark is outside waiting on you as you smile and pull besides Jay's truck and Mark walks over and opens the door for you "Jay is talking to Bully Ray about some last minute details for the show this coming week, so I told him I would wait for you, so how was the date last night he came home and he had a smile on his face that wouldn't leave" as you giggle and say "it went great, I like Jay a lot Mark, probably more then Tyson when we where together" as Mark nods his head at you "Because Tyson wasn't your soulmate, plus he was a dick head" as you laugh and agree with him on Tyson being an a dick head, as he wraps his arm around you and you two walk in the doors "so I texted Jesse last night when I got home and she texted me this morning and said she wanted me to come over before we head out again for the live shows late next week, and we decided on Monday night you, her and the kids, Jay and me plus Papa and Mama Briscoe are going to have dinner at your guys house" as he smirks "oh yeah she said she was going to make Jay handled the grilling, so everything will be cooked well-done instead of burned if it was me" as you laugh and say "one time that shit happen and she is never going to let you live it down" as he nods his head and you two make it to the ring where Jay is standing on the apron Bully Ray is in the ring with ODB and they are going over some quick moves, as Mark smirks and goes over and joins his brother on the apron and lets Jay know your there.

As Jay turns around and smirks at you and jumps down off the apron and walks over to you "hi darling" as you smile at him "hi Jay" as he puts his hands on your hips and pulls you against his chest, and kisses your forehead. As Bully Ray laughs and says "Jay come on man we got to go over those movesets" as Jay laughs and pulls away from you, and points to the chair near the ring, so you can seat down and watch the training session. As you smile at him and go seat down, as Jay gets in the ring with Mark and they begin to work on some tag team movesets, ODB aka Jessica gets out of the ring and stands by it as you watch Jay and Mark lock up and you see Mark get the upper hand on Jay for a few minutes then Jay gets it back, as Bully Ray is coaching them on different things, as ODB walks over to you and says "so there is a rumor going around, you are just using Jay until your precious Tyson is back on the scene" as you look up at her "Jessica Tyson cheated on me with his girlfriend now Hikaru Shida plus we didn't click and I know you and Jay have history but I like Jay a lot" as she smirks and says "our history never stays that way for long, darling we always find each other, so don't get your hopes up that you will have a happy ending with him, because In the end it's always me" as you look at her and she walks over and gets on the apron and cheers for Mark, as you shake your head and look down to your lap you fiddle your fingers. As you take your phone out And send your baby brother a quick message because he send one early to you about him, his girlfriend Dana,Pops and ma coming for a visit in a few weeks time. As you know after a couple live shows back on the road with ROH the company will you give you some time off so you let your brother know as soon as you get the days you will be back home you will let him know so they can schedule their flight here. He texts back awesome love ya sissy, as you smile and look back up from the phone and see Mark and Jay finishing up in the ring and ODB and Bully Ray get back in and work on some moves together, as Jay locks eyes with you and licks his lips lightly.

As you smile at him as he sees something is off then he tips Mark's shoulder and gets Mark's attention, as Mark looks over at you and you smile at him but it's not your normal happy smile that Mark finds comfort in, as he jumps down the apron and walks over to you before he bends down and makes you look at him "bestie what's wrong? As you look up from your phone "I'm fine Marky" as he shakes his head "no your not I know you your my best friend so spill it girly" as you smile at him and pull him closer to you and whispers what Jessica said to you about her and Jay's relationship. As Mark shakes his head and makes you look him in the eyes "list to me closely, Jessica is a bitch and Jay is into you now so don't worry you two are going to just be fine and I see a very long future between you two" as you smile at him and hug his neck "thanks Marky I appreciate your honesty and I hope your right because I care for your brother very much" as he smirks and pulls away and waves over Jay "tell him what she said and how you feel" as you look at him and nod your head as Jay comes over and Mark goes off and gets in the ring with ODB and goes a few rounds with her putting her in her place as Jay seats down in front of you "you alright darling? As you look at him and explain to him about what Jessica said and your feelings towards him as he grabs your hand and says "I have feelings for you too darling and don't list to Jessica alright I'm hooked on you remember" as you smile that beautiful smile he loves already and he leans up and kisses your lips passionately, you open your mouth and he slides his tongue in and you two French kiss, both Bully Ray and Mark are watching and cheering you two on as Jessica just lays down in the ring after her ass handed from Mark.

To be continued!!!!

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