Daniel Bryan

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Daniel has been working out backstage in the gym arena for a few hours now with some of the guys on the roster, and you are sitting with some of the backstage workers talking about the next few weeks scheduling and how everyone feels about not being able to go home like normal schedule weeks.

Brie and Nikki are back for a few months, So birdie will be with all of us the next few weeks, Daniel gets done working out then goes and gets bridie from Brie and Nikki for the next few hours so they can do their spots for Raw tonight, so you two will be watching her together tonight. You are heading to your office/playroom because you got to everything setup for birdie tonight Daniel and her will be there soon. You love your time with both of them! Daniel shows up with birdie a little bit later with some food for all of you, you start to play with birdie why Daniel sits down on the couch and puts the food on one of the tables and watches you two for a bit before calling you and birdie to come over and eat with him.

You and birdie stop playing and go over to the couch with him and you all three begin to eat together, Daniel says to you "I really appreciate you watching her Tonight with me I know you didn't have to because it's not your night" as you smile at him and kiss Birdie's head "I don't mind I love her and you so more time I get with you both I'm good with" as he learns over and kisses you on the cheek "your perfect you know and we love you too don't we birdie? As birdie laughs and nods her head in a yes motion.

You love her so much she is a little mini vision of Daniel and Brie and she is beautiful baby! Sometimes you wonder what your babies will look like with Daniel down the road, your not as beautiful as Brie Bella but your not ugly either you got your own beauty and he loves you no matter what and that makes you happy.

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