Ricky Sparks

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Brandi and Cody's baby shower for Liberty: the baby shower is going really good, everyone is having fun and enjoy Brandi and Cody's little baby who will be joining us in just a couple months time, you are thinking about your upcoming match on Rampage this Friday it's going to be you and Ricky vs Cage and Britt, and if you and Ricky can win you get a title opportunity against Britt Baker for the Aew woman's title sooner then later, and Ricky will put cage behind him it's a win win situation for both you. You are talking to Jasmine and Lena, Jon and Eddie are talking to Taz, Hobbs, Ricky and Hook, Taz has a business plan for team Taz and is looking to bring in Moxley, Kingston and Shasta aka your team to the mixed in the near future, Jon smiles and lets Taz know your team is down for new opportunities in the business, so whenever it is going down let you three know and you three will be there for the ride.

Allie aka the Bunny walks over to Ricky and asks for a moment of his time as he looks at Taz and Taz nods his head and the guys walk off and get something to drink leaving Ricky alone with Allie, you look over and see this and you got a bad feeling deep in your belly, Allie and you don't get alone, and Ricky can't stand the blade and butcher so why is she talking to him, Brandi sees you getting upset as she walks over and says "hi girl, they are just talking, and there isn't going to be no fighting at my baby shower, you know you got her in a match this coming Wednesday so relax, as you nod your head and you go get yourself a drink, Jon walks up and wraps his arm around you and kisses your forehead "hi Allie is just trying to get under your skin, don't let her" as you smile and nod your head at him then Ricky comes over and asks for a few minutes with you and Jon nods his head and leaves you two alone he goes and finds Jasmine. Ricky smiles and says "Allie wanted to know if Taz was added new members and I told her maybe in the near future and those members will be you, Kingston and Moxley when the time is right and you three want to join team Taz she got upset she thought we would add her, blade and butcher but it's not happen Taz wants you three over any other wrestlers in the company down the road" as you look at him and he smiles "so you got her tomorrow night then Friday night it is us vs Cage and Britt, you ready for tomorrow night and especially Fri night right Babygirl" as you smile and nod your head at him.

As you two seat at your table and talk about this coming week at work then your guys date coming this weekend, he goes and grabs you something to drink then comes back to seat down at the table with you drinks in hand. Jon and Eddie come over and seat down with you and Ricky, Lena and Jazz are talking to Brandi and Dustin's wife Ellie, as Jon questions Ricky who doesn't show any fear and answers all of Jon's questions, Eddie laughs "alright Jon enough grilling Ricky, you aren't scaring him away from Shasta he is really into her so just stop" as you giggle at Eddie who smiles big at you. As Ricky smiles and grabs your hand under the table and you smile at him, the baby shower continues for a little bit longer then everyone starts to leave, Eddie is heading out with Lena for the night but will see us tomorrow back at the apartment complex for our weekly movie night just the three of us, Jon is taking Jazz home and will do the same thing too, and you invited Ricky over to the apartment tonight and he is staying with you since you stayed with him the other night. So you go two go help Cody and Dustin's sisters Teil and Kristin plus Dustin's wife Ellie clean up after the because Cody and Brandi are heading home to their house right now, Ricky is one of Cody's closest friends in Aew now and he wants to help Dustin, Ellie, Teil and Kristin and you are close to Brandi and Dustin. You two help clean up then head to his penthouse to get home a overnight bag then you two will head to your apartment complex you share with Kingston and Moxley. When you two arrive at the apartment complex building with Ricky you two go to your room. You grab your PJs and go to into your bathroom to change for bed, you fix your hair,

 You grab your PJs and go to into your bathroom to change for bed, you fix your hair,

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You remove your makeup and put on your moisturizer then you put your PJs

on then brush your teeth and head back into your room to find him in his boxer shorts, he is holding his toothbrush and when you walk out of the bathroom and goes in and brushs his teeth a few minutes go by and he comes back out and joins you in t...

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on then brush your teeth and head back into your room to find him in his boxer shorts, he is holding his toothbrush and when you walk out of the bathroom and goes in and brushs his teeth a few minutes go by and he comes back out and joins you in the bed. You got the tv on you are finding something on Netflix go watch. He lays down and pulls you against his chest as you smile at him. "Oh shit You is a really good season one like bomb, season two just came out haven't watch none of them yet but have heard good things, and they have already renewed for season 3 and 4 so they must have done something right because they just started showing the episodes in season 2 Im pretty sure we are on episode 5 or 6 this weekend, you should watch it when you get time it's good" as you smile at him and smile and add it to your list then you find a movie "holidate" then you two get comfortable in each other's arms and begin to watch it.

To be continued!!!

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