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You two make it to Universal Studio and meet up with Ricky and Shasta and they find you two and let you both know William and Jade are running late and will be there soon, as hook wraps his arm around your neck and shoulder blades, as Ricky holds Shasta hand and you four go find a place to seat and wait for William and Jade to arrive so you all can start to have some fun together. A few minutes later Jade and William arrive and you all head to the first ride together. You all have fun then go get some snacks then head to the arcade to play some laser tag, tag team style, You Shasta and Jade vs Tyler Ricky and William, You and Tyler made a quick bet the team that loses has to do whatever the winning team wants all next weekend. You two agree along with the others and the game starts, the first two out is Jade and William then Ricky and Shasta leaving you and Tyler and you win in the last two minutes, as the boys can't believe they have to do what you three want next weekend, so Jade gets to tell William, Shasta gets Ricky and you get Tyler. Then you head to play some games,

A couple hours later you all are back in line for some more rides, hook has his arm wrapped around your neck, as you two are behind Ricky and Shasta and in front of William and Jade, Jade smirks and kicks your butt with her foot as you turn and give her a smile, she winks at you and says "love you babydoll" as you smile "love you too Mama" as you two laugh, Ricky, Shasta get on the ride then you and Hook are up next. A few more minutes go by and you with Hook are on the ride then after you get done William and Jade get on the ride and take their turn, a couple minutes later you all are heading to the last ride for the day. And you all can ride it together as you all get one, you and Hook then Ricky and Shasta then finally William and Jade, as Ricky looks over and gets Hook's attention "dude tomorrow we going to meet up and go over the spots for Wednesday night show, me, you and Shay plus your dad and finally William your dad said to meet at the arena around 1 pm" as hook nods his head "we will be there brother" as Ricky seats back and wraps his arm around Shasta back. As you all enjoy the ride, then get off and head to the exit William waves to you two and says he will see you both tomorrow after lunch as you smile at him, Jade says she will see you Monday afternoon when you two plus Shasta have lunch and you smile big, Shasta waves at you all as her and Ricky leave before you all, Jade and William go next then it's you two, Hook smiles and says "so since we got to meet up with team Taz tomorrow after lunch, you want to stay again with me? As you smile at him "sure that's fine" as he smirks and you two head to his car and then to his place for the rest of the night together.

A couple minutes later you two make it to his place and you two head inside, he is right behind you, as he smirks and wraps his arms around you as soon as you two make it inside, he grabs his phone and calls in some takeout for dinner tonight, Chinese food to be exact, you go change into some PJs,

Then you come out and he is getting off the phone, he looks up and smirks "I placed our order, it will be here in 45 minutes, I like your PJs babygirl" as you smile at him "Thanks Tyler" he smirks and pulls you against his chest and holds you for ...

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Then you come out and he is getting off the phone, he looks up and smirks "I placed our order, it will be here in 45 minutes, I like your PJs babygirl" as you smile at him "Thanks Tyler" he smirks and pulls you against his chest and holds you for a minute "I'm going to go change into my shorts and a wife beater" as you smile at him "alright handsome" as he kisses your forehead lightly then let's go of you and goes to change into his PJs himself, you seat down on the couch and turn the TV to Netflix and sign in to your account from your phone, you find strange things and go to the last episode you watched and begins the next one, you only got 3 more episodes in season 4 then it's on to the final season, aka season 5. Hook comes out and smiles big and joins you on the couch, saying "you and this show" as you laugh and he pulls you against his chest and you two get comfortable and wait for the food to arrive.

To be continued

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now