Jungle Boy

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Your job in Aew: your the medic

How you two know each other: you two went to High School Together but lose touch right after graduation, you started working for Aew right after the first year anniversary, and you have heard of Jungle Boy but never saw him in person yet,

How you two know each other: you two went to High School Together but lose touch right after graduation, you started working for Aew right after the first year anniversary, and you have heard of Jungle Boy but never saw him in person yet,

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But that's changes tonight on the show, you are working on his tag team partner Marko Stunt when he got injury by The Young Bucks as you are looking over Marko when jungle Boy aka Jack Perry comes in with Luchasaurus aka Austin Matelson as you loo...

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But that's changes tonight on the show, you are working on his tag team partner Marko Stunt when he got injury by The Young Bucks as you are looking over Marko when jungle Boy aka Jack Perry comes in with Luchasaurus aka Austin Matelson as you look at them both "boys can you seat down and let me finish checking him out then you can all leave" as Austin nod his head and pulls jack down in the chairs as you finish the scan on Marko's hand. Then you wait on the results, which doesn't take long. As you come back and wrap his hand and let him and the boys know it's just it's sprained he will be alright in a few days as Austin smiles at you "thanks doctor we appreciate it" as you nod your head at him he picks up Marko and before Marko leaves he say Doctor. Ella thanks for checking me out, I'll see you around hopefully not injuries" as you smile at him, later Marko as Austin carry's Luchasaurus carry's him out leaving Jungle Boy in there with you as he smiles "will if it isn't my snow princess Ella" as you stop dead in your tracks and take a deep breath "Jack Perry as I beathe, I have saw clips of you wrestling but I didn't think it was you" as you turn around and look at him. As he smiles at you "really never put two and two together" as you nod your head at him.

As you two look at each other then he says "before dad dead he said you would call and come by all the time, even if we where close still you still checked on my dad, damn Ella" as you nod your head at him "yep your dad was sweet to me even if his son become an ass after high school" as he looks down and bites his lip "you never did pull punches with me, and that's why I love you" as you look at him in shocked. "What did you say Jack Perry? As he smiles at you "I love you I have since we where in our first year of High School and I beat up that football player who was picking for being so smart that first week of school and my feelings never went away and after graduation i know you were going away to college and I just couldn't hold you back so I become an asshole to you, but I never stop thinking about you all this years and I'm Happy your working here with me, it's like I got my second chance, if your single? As you smile at him "I'm single but aren't you seeing Anna Jay? As he laughs "no we are just friends she is engaged to Preston Vance aka 10" as you laugh and say "oh shit I saw pictures of you two on Facebook, IG and thought you two where a couple" as he laughs "no she is with him and they are getting married in December of this year actually on Christmas Eve" as you smile at him "oh that sounds beautiful" as he nods his head at you, "since you jumped to an conclusion you are going to be my date" as you smile at him "deal" as he smiles at you. He then says "you got plans tomorrow by chance? As you giggle at him "no I'm hanging out at my apartment why? As he smiles at you "come to universal studios with Me, Noah Nelms and Austin Matelson we got season passes and we can bring guest and you can be mine" as you smile at him "sure I'll go, Where do you want go meet and what time? As he smiles at you "your apartment complex in the lobby tomorrow morning around 9am" as you smile at him "alright" as you grab a piece of paper and write down your address, as he takes it and says him and the boys will be there in the morning around 9am. As you smile and say you will be waiting in the lobby for them. As he nods his heads and heads out to meet up with the guys in their locker-room. As you finish up your paperwork on Marko, then Brandi comes in to check in on you seeing how your night is going she is amazing boss. As you smile at her as you put Marko's paperwork in his folder and tell her it's been good. Then you two head to the cafeteria to grab something to drink, nothing should go wrong the show is on commercial break. As you two walk down the hall and when you two walk into the cafeteria you see Jack is in line with Noah and Austin getting something to drink and eat, as you and Brandi get in right behind Austin turns around and sees you both and smiles at you both. As you smile at him as Jack has got Noah's order so he turns to get Austin and says "Dude what do you want? When his eyes land on you with Brandi and he smirks as Austin turns around and lets Jack know what he wants then, then he goes to the table with Noah as you and Brandi move up in line, Brandi gets it and you give her the money back once your back in your office. As you and Brandi put your orders in and Jack can't take his eyes off you as he pays for his and the guys orders. Then gets his ticket before he goes the table with the guys. As you and Brandi go to a table too right next to theirs.

To be continued!!!!!

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