Jimmy Uso

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Jimmy and Jey beat Kofi and Big E then he and Jey head home after their interview with Lacey the new interviewer, you are in bed with Kristina who sleeps with you when she doesn't feel good and she is still not at 💯 percent, you are on your phone on instagram as jimmy calls you to let you know he made it home safe, the kids are sleeping in their rooms how is Kristina feeling? As you answer it and let him know she is feeling better" as he lays down on his bed and says "I love you beautiful, me and the kids will be over tomorrow around 11:45" as you giggle and say "I love you too Jonathan and we will see then, as you two hang up.

You turn in for the night, the next morning you are up and giving Kristina a bath then you will get dressed for lunch with Jimmy, your mom and the kids, you finish up with Kristina then you hand her off to your mom to get her dressed then you jump in the shower, after you shower you get out and get dressed for today,

You turn in for the night, the next morning you are up and giving Kristina a bath then you will get dressed for lunch with Jimmy, your mom and the kids, you finish up with Kristina then you hand her off to your mom to get her dressed then you jump...

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Then you head downstairs to get the hamburger out of the fridge, your mom has made the sides which is baked beans, mac and cheese and potato salad, you smile at Kristina who is in her high chair playing with her toys as jimmy calls you and sees if you need anything from the store.

You let him know if he can pick up some ice please as he says he will do that and see you soon him and the kids are leaving his house now, as hang up and go start the burgers, as Kristina is playing and your mom is with her, when Jimmy, and the kids arrive at your house as your mom goes and let's them in, jimmy hugs your mom then him and the kids walk in and he picks up Kristina out of her high chair, as he kisses her forehead and they head into the kitchen to see you cooking the burgers. Jimmy holds Kristina. And both Jayla and Jaiden seat down at the table as your mom bring them drinks as jimmy seats down with them and holds Kristina as you turn around and smile at them, jimmy winks at you as he rubs Kristina back. You finish up grilling the burgers then you bring them over to the table and your mom does her sides, you lean over and kiss jimmy then rub Jayla and Jaiden's back. You pickup Kristina from jimmy's arms and then you take her to her high chair, so she can eat, as you take her toys off and give her some baked beans Mac and cheese, as you join everyone else at the table and you all dig in, Jimmy is going to let you know what Trinity wanted last night but later on, after lunch with everyone here. Jimmy grabs your hand under the table.

To be continued in a few days... Angel is up next.

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