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After your food arrives you eat then finish watching the TV show, then turn in for the night, he wraps his arms around you then he pulls you against his chest. He rubs your back in small circles and you two enjoy your alone together in his apartment, a few minutes later you two head into his bedroom and turn in for the night. Tomorrow you two are going to go on a boat ride with Ricky and Shasta. His dad and mom, Britt and Adam and William and Jade. Next morning you two are up and getting ready for the Day, you are in the bathroom fixing your hair,

 Next morning you two are up and getting ready for the Day, you are in the bathroom fixing your hair,

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as Tyler comes in and smiles "you look beautiful Shay" as you smile at him "thank you Tyler, are you ready to go see need to meet everyone at the Marina soon" as he smirks "yeah I'm ready babygirl let's go" he grabs your hand and you two head out ...

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as Tyler comes in and smiles "you look beautiful Shay" as you smile at him "thank you Tyler, are you ready to go see need to meet everyone at the Marina soon" as he smirks "yeah I'm ready babygirl let's go" he grabs your hand and you two head out of his apartment and to his car. A few minutes later you two Are in line getting breakfast, then you two will continue to the Marina for the boat ride with Pete, Teresa Britt and Austin, Ricky, Shasta, Pete texted Tyler about 10 minutes ago and let him know William and Jade aren't coming but he Invited Dante Martin and Skye Blue and they are on there way to the Marina, as Tyler texts his dad back "alright dad that's cool, thanks for inviting Dante and Skye" as Pete sends Tyler a smiley face, then Tyler turns and looks at you "William And Jade aren't coming, but dad invited Dante and Skye in their spot" as you two grab your food then head out to his car and get started back to the Marina.

Tyler holds your hand as you two arrive at the Marina, Tyler has his bag on his back, as you two walk towards the boat his dad rented for the day, Britt and Austin, Ricky and Shasta, Dante and Skye are on their way there, Pete and Teresa are already there on the boat. Teresa sees you two walking towards the boat and she waves you over, as Tyler gets on first then helps you on, he lifts you up and on the boat, as you smile at him "thank you My Handsome Devil" as he smirks and says "Your Welcome My Beautiful Sweets" as he kisses your forehead, as Pete comes up from under the bottom of the boat, "oh my son and future daughter in law, your sister and Austin called me a few minutes ago, they will be here in about 10 minutes, Ricky and Shasta should be here heading this way now, Dante and Skye called your mom and told her they just pulled in the parking lot so they should be heading this way too" as you smile at Pete as Tyler let's go of you and you walk up to Teresa and you hug her.

Tyler walks over to you two and hugs his mom then wraps his arm around your waist, "hi mamà, we should talk dad into buy a boat, don't you think, whenever we aren't working we could be in it as family" as you smile at Teresa who smiles at both you and Tyler, "I'll talk to your dad about doing it tonight when we are at home" as Ricky, Shasta then Dante and Skye come up on the boat, Pete smirks "Brit and Austin are the only ones we are waiting for" as Shasta and Skye come up and hug you and Teresa as Ricky and Dante are with Tyler and Pete. You call Britt and see where they are and she let's you know they just pulled in the parking lot and are heading towards the boat Pete rented, as you smile and let Pete know and he smiles big at you then you hang up with Britt and turn and look at Tyler who is standing next to his dad and across from Ricky and Dante, he took his shirt off and you smirk at his chest, back and arms as Skye comes up and wraps her arm around you "girl you got it bad for the handsome devil himself" as you smile at her "omg yes he gets me going like no other man has before Skye, I don't want to scare him off but I'm in love with him" as his mom smiles and walks over to you two with Shasta "Shay Baker you better tell him, because I know my son and he loves you too" as you smile at her and smile big "you think it's not to soon to be saying those words to each other Mama Teresa? As she smiles big at you "you two have a special relationship, so don't be scared to explain your feelings for him" as you smile and Britt and Austin arrive and Pete starts the boat.

To be continued!!!!

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