Matthew Hardy

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After last night's events between you and Matt, you two are heading to Reby's house so you two can drop off Maxwell and Wolfie with her for a few days while you two go back on the road with the company, as Matt knows you two will be alone after today for a few days on the road and he can't wait, he has missed you being intimate together.

Reby has something to tell Matt so he walks in the house with the kids, and let's her tell him the news as you seat outside in the car, she is going to tell him she is pregnant again and it's his, the last time they had sex before you two got together it happen as he can't believe what he is hearing so he tell her they will decide this more when he returns home from the road next weekend as she completely understand and knows you two have to go to work, as you seat in the car and he comes out and he looks scared so he gets in and you look at him "Matthew what's wrong? As he looks at you "Reby is pregnant and it's mine it happen before we got together me and her had a one night stand now she is pregnant with my baby again, please don't leave me y/n" as you look at him "so she is what 4 months along because we have been together almost 4 months Matthew" as he nods his head and you both cry but you promise him you will not leave him as he smiles lightly and you two head to work together, he has to call Jeffrey and let him know the situation between him and Reby and he can't believe it's not you giving him another baby it's her, life isn't going how he wanted.

You seat back in the car as he drives to the arena for the show tonight you haven't said much to him since he told you About Reby, you just want to get to work and put this behind you for the night, he knows you are upset about this situation with Reby and he is to but he can't change anything about it but he knows three kids will be plenty and you will probably not want any yourself since you are with him and he will have three, he loves you and will complete understand the situation he also knows you will love the kids like your own as long as you two are together, he knows it's going to be hard between you two but he is willing to fight for you both until the end of time, he also knows you will probably get your tubes tied sooner then later and he isn't mad at that either he messed up now he will be a father to three with his ex wife only and not you in the future.

To be continued in a few days!!!!

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