Malakai Black

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Fast forward to you getting signed with Aew, you and Tom are in the gym working out today, your hair is just a bit longer then when you debut against Rebel,

Fast forward to you getting signed with Aew, you and Tom are in the gym working out today, your hair is just a bit longer then when you debut against Rebel,

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You are doing cardio on the treadmill,

Tom is talking to Matt and Nick as you finish up your cardio, he keeps an close eye on you, Matt asks Tom if you are excited to have your first match in Aew against Rebel in a few weeks time and tom smiles 'my girl is so super excited for her debu...

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Tom is talking to Matt and Nick as you finish up your cardio, he keeps an close eye on you, Matt asks Tom if you are excited to have your first match in Aew against Rebel in a few weeks time and tom smiles 'my girl is so super excited for her debut match against Rebel, as Nick says "she is definitely going to do things in Aew" as Tom nods his head agreeing with Nick completely. You walk by and go get something to drink, as both Nick and Matt go do their workouts as Tom comes over and pulls you against his chest wrapping his arms around your waist and kisses your neck lightly.

You moan out "omg sir" as he smirks and kisses your neckline, "yes babygirl, are you alright? As you move your hands back and between your guys body, he coughs "behavior babygirl, we are in public and I'm in control, we are going to walk to the locker-room, you are going to choke on my cock, do you understand me? As you nod your head and you two walk towards the locker-room and as soon as you two get in there, you drop to your knees in front of him, you pull his shorts down to his feet with his boxer shorts. He looks down at you in between his legs, and you take him in your throat you suck him off, he leans back against the Lockers, he starts to thrust into your mouth, making you take him completely in your mouth. He then places his hands on the back of your head as you suck him down your throat. Your hands go to his balls and you rub them as you suck him off. He moans out and starts to thrust into your mouth fast and hard. You deep throat him as he pushes his hands on your head and pushes you all the way down on his cock, then he shots his load down your throat. He cums down your throat and a few minutes later you pull off and swallows his cum.

You lick his cock clean, then you get up off the floor, he catches his breath and pulls his boxer shorts and shorts up and back up, then you two head out and back to your guys house, you two got to get ready and meet up with Brody and his wife Nicolette for dinner tonight. You two get home and you two go shower together, then you begin to get ready. You do your daily routine getting completely ready,

 You do your daily routine getting completely ready,

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Tom gets ready himself,

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Tom gets ready himself,

Then you two head out and go to the restaurant and wait for Brody and his wife Nicolette for dinner

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Then you two head out and go to the restaurant and wait for Brody and his wife Nicolette for dinner. You two arrive at the restaurant and Tom comes around and opens the door for you, then you two walk in the restaurant. Nicolette and Brody are waiting for you two as Tom smiles and wraps his arm around your lower back, as you two walk up behind Brody and Nicolette and Tom says "you two waiting on us? As Brody turns around and smiles at you two "Yes Boss, you two ready for some dinner? As Tom smiles and says "we can always eat" as the hostess comes around and takes you to your table and seats you four down. You seat down, Tom leans over and kisses your forehead lightly, your eyes land and lock with Brody who smirks at you "hi boss your girl is going shy" as you laugh and Nicolette hits Brody's chest lightly. "Tom don't listen to Brody, your girl is just fine, Brody hasn't had an release in a few days, I haven't felt good" as Brody locks eyes with Nicolette "we will play together tonight in the playroom and be ready to listen to me" as you laughs and Nicolette says "I'll behavior Master" as Tom rubs your right thigh lightly, you smile at him as the waitress comes around and gets your drink orders, you want all look over the menu's and decided on what you want, and when the waitress comes back with your drinks you all give her your orders for food. Tom and Brody talk and you look on your phone through the outfit ideas from Aew management for your first few matches, Nicolette goes to the bathroom then comes back and joins you all back at the table, you want to keep your outfit ideas a secret from Tom and the members of the house of black, until your debut, you learned your match against Rebel and it's happening in two weeks on Friday night. You let management know you like one and three not two or four, then your meals arrive and you all look over it and everything is right, then you all say grace and dig in, Tom moves his hand to grip your sex through your leather pants.

To be continued in a few days in book 3

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