Eddie Kingston

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A couple days later, you and Eddie had a fight over the weekend Eddie is sharing a room with Jon and you are by yourself thanks to Cody and Brandi, you are heading to the arena for a meeting with Cody, Kenny and the Young Bucks about your contact, you are going to sign a dual contract today,

Eddie is with Jon at the arena working out in the ring for the show tonight, Eddie's phone goes off when you arrive at the Arena, he has the notification on his phone when you arrive at the Arena's as he looks over at Jon and says "dude my girl is...

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Eddie is with Jon at the arena working out in the ring for the show tonight, Eddie's phone goes off when you arrive at the Arena, he has the notification on his phone when you arrive at the Arena's as he looks over at Jon and says "dude my girl is here, we take a break I need to talk to her" as Jon nods his head and Eddie goes to find you before you go into your meeting with the bosses aka Cody, Kenny and The Young Bucks. As you put your bags in your room as you got a few minutes before you got to meet up with the boys. As Eddie comes to your room and knocks on the door as you walk over and open it as he smiles at you "hi babygirl" as you smile at him "hi Eddie what's up? As he smirks "babygirl we need to talk" as you nod your head at him "yeah we do I got a meeting with Cody, Kenny and The Young Bucks but after we can chat if you want? As he nods his head "yeah that sounds good, I'll meet you back here, text me when you get back here" as you nod your head at him and you head out and towards Cody's office.

A few hours later, you are back in your room getting ready for tonight's show, you changed your clothes,

Eddie is seating with you on the couch, you two are talking, he hates when you two fight especially when it's over something so dumb as the fight you two had this weekend

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Eddie is seating with you on the couch, you two are talking, he hates when you two fight especially when it's over something so dumb as the fight you two had this weekend. He grabs your hand in his and he says "babygirl I'm sorry about this past weekend, I don't know what came over me, I know pushing you away isn't right, but I know when things start going right I push away" as you shake your head at him "Eddie stop i don't want to talk about it, you are forgiven" as he smirks at you and says "I can't lose you so whatever I have to do I'll do to make it right" as you smile at him. And he learns up and kisses your lips passionately pulling you on his lap as he kisses you, your hands go to his shoulders and you place them on top of his shoulders and kiss him back with passion.

To be continued!!!

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