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The next morning you are at the arena in the gym about to work out, Hook Ricky and Shasta are there and you four are going to be working out together,

The next morning you are at the arena in the gym about to work out, Hook Ricky and Shasta are there and you four are going to be working out together,

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A few hours later, you are in your locker-room getting ready for the show, you have to be at ringside for Brit's match against Ann Jay,

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A few hours later, you are in your locker-room getting ready for the show, you have to be at ringside for Brit's match against Ann Jay,

Adam is making his debut this Friday on Rampage, as you finish up and head to the cafeteria, Rebel is with you, she loves your outfit your hair has some small braids up front, Hook is with Ricky and Hobbs, they are talking to Taz about tonight's m...

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Adam is making his debut this Friday on Rampage, as you finish up and head to the cafeteria, Rebel is with you, she loves your outfit your hair has some small braids up front, Hook is with Ricky and Hobbs, they are talking to Taz about tonight's match it's Hobbs and Ricky vs Cage and his partner in MJF.

A few minutes later Hook is on his way to find you, he has a quick question about tonight's plan after the show, he sees you with Rebel in the cafeteria arena, but you aren't alone Eddie Kingston is seating with you both and you three are enjoying a nice conversation, Eddie is like a big brother to you, you and Britt are the only kids in the Baker clan so having Eddie, Moxley and Adam's friends in the Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Jey White and O'Reilly and Fish, but Eddie is your best friend too, you and Eddie become close when you started the nightmare school, as his girlfriend is Lena she is a backstage interviewer and she is also in the class with you and Tyler. He walks over and joins you three as he seats down next to you he grabs your hand and smiles at you "Kingston Rebel and my girl what are we talking about? As you smile and kiss his cheek lightly "Eddie's birthday party next weekend, you coming with me right? As he nods his head "totally babygirl, I got you something good Eddie" as Eddie smiles "oh dude you didn't have to get me anything, just you and Shay coming is good enough" as you smile and "I got you something too Eddie" as he shakes his head.

A few minutes go by and Eddie and Rebel head out leaving you two alone, and Hook looks at you "so tonight after the show, you are coming to my apartment right?, because we are heading to the amusement park early" as you nod your head "yeah I got my overnight bag in Brit's locker-room" as he smiles at you. He then looks at you "great babygirl, I'll see you later on I got to go get ready for Ricky's match against Dante Martin, I'll be at ringside, you tell Brit good luck against Ann Jay tonight for me" as you nod your head and he kisses your cheek lightly then heads off to his locker-room he shares with his dad, Ricky and Hobbs And you head back to the locker-room you share with Brit, rebel and Jamie. You get back and Jamie stops talking to Brit about the match tonight, you can't stand Jamie and she doesn't like you either so Rebel comes over and joins you on the couch, she doesn't like Jamie either but you two put up with her because of Brit, Rebel says she is super excited for Kingston party in a few days she went and got him something she thinks he will love, you smile at her you know Rebel has had a bad past and when she joined Aew she started caring about things again, and teaming with Brit something made her a better person. You know Eddie has been a big point to her being herself again because they share a couple issues, Eddie has become a brother to her too. As you two talk until Brit comes over and asks rebel if she is ready to go, you look at your sister and she lets you know she doesn't need you tonight, so stay back here as you can't help but look over at Jamie and then back at your sister as you smile but inside your hurt your sister is picking Jamie over you and you feel hurt so they leave and you get up off the couch and go to team Taz locker-room. Rebel give you a sad look when she walked out with Brit and Jamie, you knock on the door and Taz opens and let's you in you know Taz is alone and you want to talk to him about his proposition he was talking about at the dinner, you joining team Taz as you two talk while Ricky has his match against Dante Martin with Hobbs and Hook in his corner and you and Taz come to an agreement and you join team Taz you will start the move over next Wednesday you ask him if you can bring someone with you and he agrees you want to ask rebel to join and you hope she says yes. A few minutes go by and hook comes in with Hobbs and Ricky right before him and he smiles at you "hi babygirl" as you giggle at him "hi handsome, you did good out there, so did Ricky and Hobbs, congratulations on the win Ricky" as Ricky smirks "thanks little Mamà I appreciate that" as you giggle Ricky is amazing wrestler and you love hanging out with him and Shasta as Taz smiles at the boys "Shay is joining our little family next week so boys come hug your sister, hook my boy she is your girlfriend so come kiss her" as hook smiles and walks over and kisses you "wait next week, are you sure babygirl, I don't want you to feel like you have to join because we are dating or does this have to do with Brit not letting you go out for her match, is she listing to Jamie again? As you lay your head on his chest "I want to join and yes Brit has been picking Jamie over me and I can't stand it no more, I'm her sister and she doesn't treat me like it, so next week I join team taz and I may get Rebel to come with me" as he nods his head and kisses your forehead lighty.

To be continued!!!!

Wrestling Preferences Book Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now