Ricky Starks

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After you four arrive back at Ricky's penthouse, Ricky shows his parents their room for the next week and half. Then you and Ricky head to his room for a few hours, you got an hair appointment tomorrow morning, you are going to ask Ricky's mom to go with you, maybe get her nails done you got your hair and nails yourself, Ricky likes that idea and kisses your lips lightly before you two lay down on his bed, he smirks and rubs his hands up and down your sides. "Are you alright with Chinese food tonight? As you smile and say "yeah that's fine, we need to see what your parents want from there" as he nods his head and gets up off the bed, "you stay here I'll go see what they want then place the order then I'll be back find something to watch on the TV" as you smile and lean against his headboard as he goes to get his parents food order. He pulls up the app and places yours and his then gets his parents food order, before heading back into his room to watch some TV with you.

45 minutes the food will be here, you find bad boys for life is on. You are in the closet changing into your PJs,

 You are in the closet changing into your PJs,

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Then you come out and lay back down, he smiles at you and says "food has been ordered it will be here in 45 minutes" as he moves on the bed and pulls you against his chest

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Then you come out and lay back down, he smiles at you and says "food has been ordered it will be here in 45 minutes" as he moves on the bed and pulls you against his chest. As you smile up at him, he then runs his fingers though your hair and you two begin to watch the show you find on the TV, you two watch bad boys for Life, he continues to rub your lower back, you say "Ricky your parents will not think I'm a slut because we are sleeping together so quick into our relationship will they? As he lifts your chin and looks in the eyes "no babygirl, my parents understand the rules are different now unlike back when they got together, they really like you and we haven't done the Big D yet so you aren't a slut or easy" as you smile at him.

45 minutes later he heads downstairs to get the food, he stops by his parents room and drops their food off then he brings you two your food with drinks, when you two begin to eat dinner together while you two watch TV and relax then you two clean up and turn in for the night. Next morning you are up getting ready for the day,

 Next morning you are up getting ready for the day,

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You and Ricky are taking his parents to the arena, you got to work out with Eddie and Jon before the show tomorrow night, Ricky is going to give his parents a tour of the arena while you work out with Jon and Eddie, you four head to the Arena, And...

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You and Ricky are taking his parents to the arena, you got to work out with Eddie and Jon before the show tomorrow night, Ricky is going to give his parents a tour of the arena while you work out with Jon and Eddie, you four head to the Arena, And when you all arrive you and Ricky go off to a corner and he lets you know the plan today with his parents, you smile and you kiss him then head to the ring to meet up with Jon and Eddie for your training session, Ricky shows his parents around the Arena then the three of them head to the ring to watch you with Jon and Eddie workout, They run into Taz, Hook and Shay and Taz is super excited to finally meet Ricky's parents. As his mom and dad are super excited to meet Taz the man who has been behind Ricky since he got signed with the company. His mom loves Hook and Shay Baker and is in aww of meeting them.

After meeting Taz Hook and Shay Ricky and his parents head out and catch the end of your training session with Jon and Eddie, Lena and Jasmine are watching too so Ricky and his parents come over and Ricky introduces Lena and Jasmine to his parents, as Jon calls it and you all stop and you grab your bag and something to drink, then you three head over and Ricky wraps his arm around your waist, Jon grabs Jasmine's hand and Eddie And Lena stand near each other, you smile at Ricky and his parents and you introduces Jon and Eddie to Ricky's parents. As Ricky's dad like Jon and Eddie, he likes their attitude. As you smile and Ricky let's Jon and Eddie know his parents will be at the show tomorrow night, plus Friday night, they are heading back home Saturday afternoon, as Jon smiles And says "so you two will get to see the team of Ricky and Shasta vs Britt Baker and Brian Page, then Friday the team of the wild things which is myself, Eddie and Shasta vs the Bunny, Blade and Butcher, Ricky will go vs Darby Allen Friday night is going to be a very fun night on the show, there is talk you and Ricky are getting up in the Owen Hart mixed tag team tournament that is coming up in the next few weeks? As you smile and Ricky says "yeah I talked to Taz and he got a hold of Tony and got our names placed in then tournament" as Jon smiles And says "you two will win for sure" as Eddie agrees with Jon "oh yeah Shasta and Ricky for the whole thing" a few minutes later you, Ricky and his parents leave and head to Ricky's penthouse.

To be continued

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