Drew Mcintyre

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Come Wednesday morning you and Drew are heading to the arena for his meeting with HHH and Vince before nxt starts later on as you look at Drew as he is driving to the building "Drew honey If Vince and HHH want you moved to the main roster you do it no matter what, it will be hard for us you going to raw or SmackDown live so your days will be a Monday and Saturday nights or Friday and Sunday and mine will be Wednesday night with nxt we will make it work" as he nods his head and smiles "I promise if I believe it will better my career I'll do it" as you smile and go back to looking at your phone.

As Drew smiles at you he knows HHH is willing to let him go to raw or SmackDown live but Drew talked to him about you coming up too and that is what the meeting is about not so much him leaving but you Vince likes the ideas of you both coming up to the main roster as you lay your head down as he grabs your hand in his "babygirl are you tired did I wear you out last night? As you look at him and smile "you always wear me out papi" as he smiles "I was thinking about something this morning it's about our wedding next year, I was wondering if we can have the wedding in Scotland" as you smile at him "yeah Drew we can have the wedding in Scotland next year" as he smiles at you "I love you Mrs soon to be McIntyre" as you giggle "I love you too Mr McIntyre" as he parks in one of the parking spot In front of the building then kissing you on the lips before you two head inside he will come back and get the bags later on after his meeting. You got to meet with William about tonight's show and go over some last minute details. You and Drew go in different directions but before you two separate he pulls you into him and kisses you passionately. You love his passionately kisses they make you go weak in the knees. As he smiles when he pulls away and winks at you then heads to HHH office and you head to William's office.

To be continued in a couple days... Matt or Jeff next I haven't decided yet!!!!

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