Christian Cage and Alexa

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Request for SabrinaM84
This will be a 3 part story!

Alexa is the best in the business, she takes care of part-timers in the business, Christian Cage is her next client until he decides if he wants to sign a full time contract with Aew, she is meant to help him with whatever he needs. The thing is Alexa has a major crush on him and each time she is near him, she can't contain herself, she becomes a nervous wreck, everyone sees it even Christian one night before the show starts, it's Christian Cage vs Matt Hardy in a match that has been building up since Christian arrived in Aew, there is history between Christian and Matt and it needs to be settled ones and forever. Alexa is backstage in her office trying to figure out what to do now that Christian has sees her true colors, she is think about going to Cody and giving him her notice, maybe she can go work for TNA or ROH, she has her head down on her desk when there is a knock on her door and she looks up and without thinking she says 'come in" as Christian walks in, he has pink roses in his left hand as he walks over and lays them down in front of you.

You lock eyes with him and he smirks "Alexa don't be upset, it's all good, I was thinking I could take you out on a date, just us, I don't want to lose you as my coach but I do want you to be my lady I may need to think about signing that contract to become a full time wrestler with the company" as you smile and take the rose's getting up from your seat and puts them in water then you turn around and look at Christian, "I'll go out with you and we will do pro vs con in this matter" as he smiles and nods his head at you, you two decided to go out tomorrow night, no work and you two can enjoy your time together,You got a meeting with Cody in the morning but then after that you can get everything set up for your date with him. He takes you home to your penthouse apartment like most nights but this time he leaves you with a goodnight kiss on the lips leaving you shocked.

Next morning you are up and getting ready for your meeting with Cody about your contract, you signed with the company for 3 years and your on your 3rd year right now you need to decide if you want to re-sign with aew or go somewhere else, so Cody is going to go over some new details of your contract if you re-sign with them in a couple months time,

Next morning you are up and getting ready for your meeting with Cody about your contract, you signed with the company for 3 years and your on your 3rd year right now you need to decide if you want to re-sign with aew or go somewhere else, so Cody ...

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After you get ready you head downstairs to the parking lot and get in your cab you order for the day

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After you get ready you head downstairs to the parking lot and get in your cab you order for the day. A couple minutes later, Alexa arrives at the Aew build and goes straight towards Cody's office for this meeting, Brandi is there with baby Liberty as you smile big at them and Cody and you start your meeting, you decide to re-sign with the company but only for 2 years this time, Cody will work on your new contact, Brandi brings liberty over to you and you hold her for a little while then you head back home to get ready for your date with Christian, you fix your hair,

 A couple minutes later, Alexa arrives at the Aew build and goes straight towards Cody's office for this meeting, Brandi is there with baby Liberty as you smile big at them and Cody and you start your meeting, you decide to re-sign with the compan...

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you change your clothes,

Then you work on your make-up,

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Then you work on your make-up,

Christian calls you, when he is leaving his house to come get you

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Christian calls you, when he is leaving his house to come get you. He called the Mexican restaurant and got a reservation for you two. You are in the living-room of your penthouse apartment when he arrives and comes up to your apartment, to get you for your date, you open the door and he is in aww of you, he smirks and says "you look beautiful, are you ready to go? As you nod your at him and you two head downstairs to his car and then off to the restaurant. He grabs your hand as he drives "did you hear I'll be teaming up with Jungle Boy for a few weeks" as you smile at him "yeah Cody told me early today in my meeting, so we said we would go over the pros and cons of you signing a full time contract with the company" as he smirks and says "yeah I think I should do it because I'll get title opportunities, better pay and more time on tv, plus we can be together because you will no longer be my coach" as you smile at him "yeah good points, I'm behind you whatever your decision is" as he smiles "I'm going to sign with the company for two years, I'll let Cody know when I go in for work Wednesday" as you smile and you two arrive at the restaurant, he helps you out of the car after he parks.

To be continued!!!

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