Jey Uso

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After dinner with Jimmy and Trinity they left to head home, you and Jey continued to unpack the rest of your stuff before turning in for the night, tomorrow you are meeting Trinity and Nattie at the gym for a workout, Jey is meeting with his cousin Roman to talk about some things about his upcoming story between them, as you are in bed with him behind you his arm around you, as you two sleep until your phone goes off waking you both up as he moves his arm from around you and kisses your neck lightly before you two get up and you head to get ready for the day. He is going to go downstairs and get the coffee started while you are getting ready.

You come down a few minutes later in your workout clothes to meet Trinity and Nattie at the gym,

He smiles and hands you a cup of coffee as he kisses your lips lightly before going to get ready for his meeting with roman and Paul Heyman at the arena, he has to drop by his ex's house to check on the boys

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He smiles and hands you a cup of coffee as he kisses your lips lightly before going to get ready for his meeting with roman and Paul Heyman at the arena, he has to drop by his ex's house to check on the boys. You finish up your coffee then head to the door as he comes down "I'll see you later on today babygirl? As you turn around and smile at him "yep later on today" as you head to the gym to meet Trinity and Nattie for your workout.

Jey calls Jimmy and asks jimmy to go with him to his meeting with Roman and Paul Heyman at the arena later on as jimmy agrees and says he will meet Jey there right before it's meant to happen, as Trinity is heading to meet you and Nattie right now, as you arrive at the gym and head in a couple minutes later to see Nattie is already there and you two talk until Trinity arrives and you three go start your workout session for the day which is Cardio and Leg Day. You love working out with Trinity and Nattie, you wish Carmella was in Town then your group would be completed. But she is visiting her parents in New Jersey this weekend. Next weekend you all will be back together. Jimmy and Jey arrive at the arena for Jey's meeting with Roman and Paul Heyman about Jey's upcoming storyline with Roman in the next few weeks. He will stop by his ex's house to check on the boys after, he didn't have time to do it before like he was planning on.

To be continued in a couple days

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