Orange Cassidy

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Cassidy continued to train you for your match against Kris: a few days later between your training sessions with Dustin and Cassidy you are doing amazing things in the ring, today is Friday and its Aew Rampage the first episode, and come Sunday night it's your match against Kris so you got two more days to go. Yesterday you went with Bunny and got your hair cut,

 Yesterday you went with Bunny and got your hair cut,

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You are on backstage with Brandi talking about tonight's first show, when Kris comes in and her hand is wrapped, Trent learned early today she was training and she's sprained her wrist, but she still wants to fight you on Sunday night, as Trent is...

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You are on backstage with Brandi talking about tonight's first show, when Kris comes in and her hand is wrapped, Trent learned early today she was training and she's sprained her wrist, but she still wants to fight you on Sunday night, as Trent is with Cassidy letting him know. As Orange shakes his head and comes over to you and Brandi and kisses your cheek lightly "hi boss, you look beautiful as always, can I have my lady for a minute? As Brandi smiles and nods her head at Orange as he pulls you away and down the hall "Kris was training and sprained her wrist but she still wants the match against you this Sunday night, you two sign the contract tonight live in the ring, are you feeling alright? As you shake your head at him "yeah I'm little nervous but I'm alright, butterflies in your belly are a good thing" he smirks and kisses your forehead "yeah and I'm going to be at ringside tonight for the contract singing" as you smile "you don't have to do that Cassidy, the fans may get the wrong impression, your tag team partner is Kris but your going to be in my corner for the signing" as he smirks and makes you look him in the eyes "nah babygirl it will work out, I'll set them all straight" as you smile at him "alright if you say so Cassidy, I don't want to cause trouble with your fans" as he smirks and kisses your lips lightly "you will not babygirl I promise" as he runs his fingers through your hair and says "I like your haircut now, your hairstyles did good" as you smile at him. He hug you tight against his chest, A couple hours later goes by and your in the ring with Cody and Dustin, Orange came out with you and he is stand at ringside on your side and Kris is coming out by herself, Cody is coming over the match this coming Sunday night against you two it's a non-sanctioned match, anything goes and nothing can be held against the company, he smiles and makes Kris sign the contract first then you, as Dustin shows a video package of your training sessions with him and Cassidy, plus  your session with Moxley, Kris shouldn't take you lightly, because you are very dangerous when you backed into a corner" as you smile at Dustin who pats your back. And the match is set opening match of Sunday night show.

Cassidy gets in the ring and raises your hand up and smiles, as Kris gets out of the ring and she doesn't look happy, she backs up the ramp, Cassidy wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his chest and kisses your forehead lighty, you get out of the ring and head to the backstage arena with Cassidy who has a match against Darby Allen, he wants you to watch the match closely, he believes it will help in your match against Kris this weekend, so you are accompany him to ringside for this match but Darby isn't alone his mentor Sting is going to be in his corner and you worked with Sting in TNA for a little bit of time so whenever you get to work with the Legends of the business you love it, it give you more experience and opportunities to learn from the best. Cassidy is in his locker-room and you are in your office going over some last minute details for Friday night's show with Brandi, who is super excited for your match on Sunday night against Kris, she knows you will kill it. A few minutes go by and you leave your office and head to Cassidy's locker-room to check on him, his match is next and you two need to get to the ring.

To be continued!!!
Eddie Kingston!!! Then I got a request for Ricky Starks for amaariona  then Christian Cage for SabrinaM84 I'll be working on them in a few days!!! And I'll tag you in them so you know they are up!!!

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