Jimmy Uso

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next morning you and Jimmy are up and are getting ready for the rest of your baby girl's birthday weekend, you are in the bath getting a quick shower, Jimmy is getting the kids up. You finish in the bathroom, he brings you Kristina, so you can get her ready as you smile at him and he kisses your lips lightly as you carry Kristina to the bedroom and gets her dressed, then she lays down on my bed, you smile at her "you tired babygirl? As she nods her head at you as you lay her laying in the middle of your bed, you go in the closet and get dress yourself,

 You finish in the bathroom, he brings you Kristina, so you can get her ready as you smile at him and he kisses your lips lightly as you carry Kristina to the bedroom and gets her dressed, then she lays down on my bed, you smile at her "you tired ...

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Then you come out to see Jimmy is laying with Kristina, you smile at them as he smiles at you "the bigger kids are downstairs watching TV, I came to get little bit here and she was sleeping, so I crawl up and joined her, do you think she is gettin...

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Then you come out to see Jimmy is laying with Kristina, you smile at them as he smiles at you "the bigger kids are downstairs watching TV, I came to get little bit here and she was sleeping, so I crawl up and joined her, do you think she is getting sick again? As you shake your head "nah she has fun yesterday and it wear her out, she is alright Jimmy" as he nods his head and you walk over and pick her up playing her in your arms as he rolls off the bed and goes to get the older kids ready and out the door.

A few minutes later you all are in the SUV, and Jimmy is driving us to the restaurant for Kristina birthday breakfast, then he is taking her shopping, Jimmy smiles and places his hand on your knee as he drives to the restaurant, he looks in the mirror and sees all three kids enjoying the ride, he smirks and mouths to you "he loves you and Kristina very much" as you smile at him and mouths back to him "I love you, and the kids so much" he parks the SUV and you all get out and head into the restaurant for Kristina's birthday breakfast, Jimmy carry's Kristina in, you hold both Jayla and Jaiden's hands as you all walk in and Jimmy tells the hostess the name the reservation is under, she looks it up and gets someone to come seat you all, she wishes Kristina a very happy birthday too and Kristina smiles at her and thanks her. Jaiden smiles and says " Mama Ashley are you and daddy going to get married, Kristina going to become our sissy then you and daddy have another baby together? As Jimmy turns and looks at his son "Jaiden, son we may not be married, but Kristina is your guys little sister, and no more babies for while, but we will get married down the road then talk about giving you three some more siblings when the time is right but now, Kristina's real dad may want to begin to see her, Ashley needs to get some things fixed for herself and Kristina but we will be here through it all helping whenever we can" as you smile and Jayla smiles "yeah Jaiden we are a family no matter what, we love Kristina and Ashley, just like they love us" as you smile at her and she hugs you from the side. You all seat down at the table, Jimmy puts Kristina in a highchair, and the waitress comes over with menu's and a two balloons for the back of Kristina highchair, you smile at her and thank her as you all begin to look over the menu's the waitress goes to get your drink orders.

To be Continued!!!!

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