Eddie Kingston

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You two are home in Florida, you are in your apartment doing laundry, Eddie is on the phone with Santana and Ortiz talking about next week's meeting with Tony about a upcoming storyline with Him, Santana and Ortiz vs Jericho, Hager, 2.0 and Daniel Garcia, Eddie knows himself Santana and Ortiz are outnumbered by by two so he may have to call in a favor into Taz and see if he can get some backup in Ricky Starks and Hobbs until Moxley returns in a few weeks time, then with Moxley help, he will find one more guy to help maybe Wardlow who is a full-time wrestler now and is finally away from MJF. You got your doctor's appointment in two days to get your IUD removed, And then you two can start trying for your guys first baby, in a few days time, tomorrow you two are going to the amusement park again and have some fun, the next day you got your doctor's appointment then he is going to meet up with Santana and Ortiz for some training sessions, you finish up doing the laundry and you go into the living-room and turn the TV and finds something to watch before seating down on the couch, Eddie comes in from outside on the porch and he joins you on the couch wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against him as you two watch the show you picked.

He rubs your back and says "after your appointment in two days, I'll wear protection for a few weeks my dad is coming down to visit with my younger brother and his finance and I want you to meet them before we start trying plus it will give us time to see if we are ready truly I want you to be completely sure you want this with me Lena, I know I'm in 100 percent" as you smile at him "alright that works but you should know I'm in it 100 percent too Edward" as he rubs up and under your shirt rubbing circles on your back, "I love you so much Lena" as you look at him and smile "I love you too Edward" as he leans down and kisses your lips lightly. You two lay around for the rest of the evening, Eddie ordered some BBQ takeout, then you two showered together and got ready for bed,

 You two lay around for the rest of the evening, Eddie ordered some BBQ takeout, then you two showered together and got ready for bed,

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You fixed your hair for the night, your hair is shorter then before it's shoulder length, put it's still purple,

You and Eddie are in bed together, he is holding you in his chest, his arms around your back and his hands laying on your ass

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You and Eddie are in bed together, he is holding you in his chest, his arms around your back and his hands laying on your ass. "When I got off the phone with Miguel and Mike about the session in two days after your appointment, Jon called, he said him and Jasmine are having fun, and they will be back at the end of the month, I told him about us taking the step towards starting our family together and he is super excited he called himself Uncle Jon it was funny as shit" as you smile and say "you knew he was going to be excited, and I'm happy him and Jasmine are having a good time together, they deserve to be happy" as he smirks and kisses the back of your head "yeah they do deserve this time together and away from work, maybe after we get pregnant and before the birth we can take a little trip" as he smirks and says "yeah maybe we can go on a BabyMoon before you give birth? As you nod your head at him "yeah that sounds good Eddie" as you two get comfortable in bed together and go to sleep.

Next morning you two are up you are getting dressed for the day,

you push your hair back with your sunglasses, as you walk out and Into the living-room to see Eddie seating on the couch, as he gets up and walks over to you and grabs your hand and says "you ready to head out lil mamà? As you smile at him "yes le...

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you push your hair back with your sunglasses, as you walk out and Into the living-room to see Eddie seating on the couch, as he gets up and walks over to you and grabs your hand and says "you ready to head out lil mamà? As you smile at him "yes let's go papà" as he winks and you two head out the door and outside and towards his truck. You two are going to go through Starbucks and get some coffee before heading to the park for your fun field day together.

To be continue!!!!

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